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Corn Miracle?

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It can cause dermatitis and skin inflammation (it can also be mildly antiseptic), so that is a possible mechanism

Can't be any worse than duct tape then. :rolleyes:


What's your professional opinion about royal jelly (taken internally)? A friend's corn dog has had good success with it. :dunno


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

I bought some Bee Propolis in tincture form for Buzz. I have his corn hulled once a month and I know it bothers him because he starts limping until it's hulled. So I had his corn hulled last Sunday and it always leaves a hole but not an oozy open sore or anything, just a hole. I have taken the tincture (comes with an eye dropper) and dropped some into Buzz's corn area. It absorbs extremely quickly. So far I haven't seen any results but this is only day 4. My suggestion for those that want to use it is to have the corns hulled first and then start using it in the area that was hulled. I can't see it working on a hard corn already there. My thought is to prevent another one from occurring but not to use the propolis for dissolving existing corns.


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Guest longdogs
It can cause dermatitis and skin inflammation (it can also be mildly antiseptic), so that is a possible mechanism

Can't be any worse than duct tape then. :rolleyes:


What's your professional opinion about royal jelly (taken internally)? A friend's corn dog has had good success with it. :dunno


Nothing professional about my opinion. Royal jelly is great - if you happen to be a bee larva aiming to be a queen. There is no scientific evidence of it being much good for anything else.

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I was just going to post a question about the oral propolis! THANKS! I have two hounds with corns!! I actually found another group similar to greytalk devoted only to greys with corns: corn hound: this is the link, I think! http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CornHound/

Some members are talking about the propolis...and chinese herbs as treatment.

My male will let me put the topical on , but Missy, my "witchy" female is impossible. I was wondering about trying oral on her.

They have been hulled 2-3 times each, but they keep coming back. Abreva is not helping.


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Guest goodtimekid
What I just purchased was Bee Propolis 1000 and on the back it has (ingredient 2x) 500 mg.


Did I buy the right dose?



That's what I use Diane. I can take pictures to show you where they are being pushed out. I had my doubts but it does seem to be working. I must add that I am using Bert's Bee hand cream on his pads too. I felt they were very dry and it seems to be making them softer and that might be helping too.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest goodtimekid
OK - another question. Both dogs I want to try this on have allergies. Has anyone had an allergic reaction to the propolis?


It sounds like I bought the right one :)



Sorry so late. you probably already have your answer, but Kid and Cleo both have allergies and no problems at all....He is going for his annual check up and I will have the vet take a look at the corn... I think it needs to come out. It's sticking right out of the pad now. He is not sore and we went for a walk yesterday first time in awhile and he didn't even limp afterwards.. I say we have success.....

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Guest MnMDogs

I just wanted to add that I'm having very good luck with applying the paste to Mork's back toe with the most painful and invisible corns. I have no idea why this works, but after about 4 days of consistently applying and covering it for a couple hours, he can bear weight on that foot. He was unable to at all for the weeks prior. I noticed that several rock hard little "things" were easily rubbed off, at the tip of his toe, and there is now a very small visible corn in the center.


Generally, once this corn is visible, he can manage much better than when I can't see it.


I'm just amazed that he's showing improvement with this!

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I bought some Bee Propolis in tincture form for Buzz. I have his corn hulled once a month and I know it bothers him because he starts limping until it's hulled. So I had his corn hulled last Sunday and it always leaves a hole but not an oozy open sore or anything, just a hole. I have taken the tincture (comes with an eye dropper) and dropped some into Buzz's corn area. It absorbs extremely quickly. So far I haven't seen any results but this is only day 4. My suggestion for those that want to use it is to have the corns hulled first and then start using it in the area that was hulled. I can't see it working on a hard corn already there. My thought is to prevent another one from occurring but not to use the propolis for dissolving existing corns.



I never had Solo's hulled. I only used the Propolis, also in the tincture form. It is pretty much gone. I cut some of it off, but just kept applying the Propolis. It eventually went down, I wouldn't say compeltely gone, but if you didn't know it was there, you would never find it.

Jodie D (hope to have another grey name her soon)
Missing my Bridge Babies:
Rusty (Cut a Rusty) 10/18/95-06/09/09
Solo (Tali Solo Nino) 01/10/98-03/25/10
Franny (Frohmader) 02/28/04-08/31/17

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Guest FatCatSkinnyDog

I still have to find this stuff - I'm not even sure where there is a health food store close but I will start really looking. I've employed the duct tape method twice now. It looks like it's about ready to pop off - how does one 'hull' it with a fingernail? Worse comes to worse, we are going to the vet on Wednesday. I would like to have the propolis before it pops off though, so I can start putting that on and see if it prevents reoccurance.

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Guest goodtimekid
I still have to find this stuff - I'm not even sure where there is a health food store close but I will start really looking. I've employed the duct tape method twice now. It looks like it's about ready to pop off - how does one 'hull' it with a fingernail? Worse comes to worse, we are going to the vet on Wednesday. I would like to have the propolis before it pops off though, so I can start putting that on and see if it prevents reoccurance.



First you can get the Bee Proplois capsules on Puritan's Pride. They are always offering a special and I bought 2 got 3 free... What a deal.


I took Kid to the vet today, annual, she said his foot was doing good, I need to soak the corn and file it off gently to remove the hard part. I can't tell you it's been months since he walked on hard surfaces without pain. He is doing good. She even made note for future dogs, she said she doesn't like to hull if at all possible. It's hard to heal. I don't know never had one done on him. The ?? I didn't ask the vet was how long do I keep him on it?

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I'm a little confused as to which method to use regarding the propolis. I assumed that because people were buying the capsules they were giving them internally, which is what I have been doing for about 10 days now. I went to the Yahoo Cornhound forum yesterday though and it seems that people are mixing the propolis with aloe and applying it to the corn itself.

I was reading the information that Xan posted about propolis concerning safety and allergic reactions and was wondering if taken internally would increase the chance of developing an allergy to it.


I would really like to get rid of Nadir's corn using the propolis but am not sure which is the best method. What are your thoughts.

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Guest VirginiaGreys

I bought the capsules...opened them up and mixed it with aloe...like Xan said she did in her original post...that's what worked for Dodge. Dodge's problem wasn't the corn...but his knees...but at least we got the corn or whatever it was on his paw to go away.


Speaking of which...and I have been hesitate about saying this...but a friend of mine went to a vet and was told that her dogs don't have corns. Even though she's been told that they were corns on her dog's pad for years.... by other vets. This one vet said that dogs can't get corns.


Has anyone else been told something similar or is this a bit of hogwash by this vet?

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Guest MnMDogs

It could just be the nomenclature used, and that the vet considers them to be warts, which I understand is much more likely.


Regarding the propolis, I am just completely amazed at how much better Mork is! I think I already posted that I have been making a topical paste by mixing the capsule contents with water. I let him lick the paste that I don't use (he loves it...he's weird), so he gets topical and internally. I've been doing this consistently for about a week, and he is like a new dog.


I may be imagining it, but it even looks like the 3 corns that I don't treat topically (I can dremel them, and they don't cause as many problems as the back one) seem smaller.

Edited by MnMDogs
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Well, how 'bout that? I lost track of this thread, and here it's been merrily going along without me! :lol


I ran out of the propolis I started with, and eventually, like 2 years later?? - can that be?? - it did come back, with a vengeance. She was miserable long before I could see any sign of the corn. I was doing online research for wheelchairs!! :(


I haven't gotten more propolis (expensive stuff!)(for broke us, that is! :P ), but eventually I was able to pull it out (hull it). I'd done that before, but this time it bled! :blink: Never did that before! It must have gone pretty deep. About 2 days later, and ever since, she's been like a new dog, and no sign of return. That was a few months ago, now.


I'm still very impressed and hopeful about propolis for corns. When it comes back, or shows signs of coming back, I'll try it again.


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Guest goodtimekid
This one vet said that dogs can't get corns.


Has anyone else been told something similar or is this a bit of hogwash by this vet?




I'll try mixing the paste!



I brought Kid to a kennel and spoke of his corn, she said she never heard of greys or any dogs getting corns. She called them Sea warts.. :dunno


The vet never mentioned anything about him developing allergies to it later, it does tell you on the bottle to watch for allergic reactions after the first dosage. I soaked his pad in epsom salt last night per vets recommendation and filed down the raised edge and seems even better. I also have been putting on the corn Burt's Bee hand cream at bedtime. It is definitely softening the pads.

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Is softening the pads a good idea? Seems like you'd want nice tough pads for walking on outside surfaces. Like, if you have good calluses on your own feet, vs a nice soft foot, and you have to walk on gravel or hot tarmac.


My vet said he'd never heard of corns. I have him the links to the corn hulling pages online, and he thanked me for the opportunity to learn something new. I love my vet. (Just wish he weren't so expensive!)


If your corn has raised edges, I say pull that sucker out! Hull it! It's easiest if it's been soaked, but you can do it dry, too. That's what I do, anyway. Instant relief. Disclaimer: I am NO vet! ;)


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Garry had his corn hulled 2 times..then I started using propolis topically. He

had it hulled a third time..vet said it was much deeper than last time. I had

started the propolis shortly before the third hulling on July 11th. I continued

with the topical propolis, but also put bag balm and kerasolv the vet gave me.

This morning I made a mixture of propolis from the capsules Missy takes with

aloe. I put it on and I noticed how the corn was prodtruding. I was able to

easily use my fingernail and get it out. It looked like a got the "root"

(?)..there was small circular spot in the center with a drop of blood on it..I

pressed and he didn't move! this is encouraging.

Now,if Missy would let me put it on her..I am using the oral because I can't

even LOOK at her feet without her running away!


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You know something? I give my hounds Fresh Factors-which has bee pollen in it - and have never had a corn problem. Interesting. Maybe you should call it something else and sell it as a corn remedy and get rich!

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