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Posts posted by RaineysMom

  1. Larry has the same thing on his stomach, been there literally for years. Most times it's scabby looking, but once every few months or so it will enlarge and eventually open and be bloody (not terribly) then scab back over. It's never really gotten larger (in diameter) so in his case I'm guessing it's fine (since he's had it for years).


    Nube had something on the outside of his foot for a while (years ago) that was more pink and raspberry looking, there's a name for it that escapes me now. Took a while for it to go away, but it did. What Larry has is different, and sounds just like what your girl has.

  2. So things started to change with Walter on Friday night. He flopped into the slumber ball and hit the couch in the process just enough to wake me up. He was panting a lot and very trippy from his nose. I waited about a half hour and then I took both dogs out to go to the bathroom it was at this point that I noticed that the slumber ball had urine on it both guys went out and empty their bladder.


    the next day he's clearly agitated most of the day I have waited giving him a Prozac because I wanted to see if he could relax and calm down. At 10 p.m. Walter ushered us into the bedroom to go to bed at 11:30 p.m. he woke me up panting in my face he was clearly very very agitated. I cut him and tried to calm him down a little bit and that midnight I went back to bed at 12:30 he woke me up again this happened again at 1:30 and at 2:30. each time I was able to calm him down and get him to fall back asleep and then I would return to my bed. My bed is only a few feet from his bed so it wasn't like I was in a different room or anything like that. At 2:30 a.m. I stop going back to my bed and slept with him on the floor until about 6:30 a.m.

    Sunday he was pretty cranky, and yesterday we went to the vet to have blood and urine analysed his blood came back just fine and his urine had elevated levels of protein in it which the vet did not seem concerned about at all I will attempt to upload pictures of the blood work as I have the test results.


    The neurologist told me that this was an "old wives tale" along with ice cream after a seizure. Not too sure what to think now, to be perfectly honest.


    since there's no way to compare the outcome of the exact same seizure, there's no way to prove the ice pack works, but every time we used it they were 1/2 as long or less than without, and I literally have heard dozens of others with good results using it too. I won't hurt anything so I highly suggest trying it :)


    I don't mean to sound terrible, but at Walter's age, it is most likely a brain tumor or issue :( :( :( the behavior you posted might be suggestive of that too :( Our Rainey changed potty habits and personality (aggression, OCD, out of it, etc) as hers progressed. :(


    sending hugs. It sucks. :(

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