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Posts posted by RaineysMom

  1. Hi, just starting to feed raw here. We've been having issues with Zeke (8.5 yo) eating since last April, vet thinks possibly IBD but we're not convinced as he doesn't really have any of the usual symptoms other than inappetance.


    I've been cutting up beef and lamb (along with liver and heart) and adding it to Zeke's food and he seems to be eating a lot better for the past month.


    I ordered some coarse-ground meat (beef and lamb) from a raw food provider and found the grind contains some sharp pieces of bone in it. I've been assured it is safe and that the acid in their stomach will break the bone down.


    my question is, Larry takes a 20 mg Pepcid once a day, and Zeke is on 20 mg Prilosec once a day -- will taking these acid reducers cause them not to be able to process the bone in the raw now?? I am terrified of a piece causing issues.



  2. I know Gabapentin only has a life of about 8 hours so dosing every 8 hours might help more. Our Larry (also with LS and neck issues) is on 100mg 3 x day, for now. Also on 3.75 mg of Meloxicam. ? I'm not sure about 300 mg every 8, I'd check with your vet first....

  3. we have been going through almost the EXACT same thing with our 8 year old Zeke since mid-April! :( he went from eating every single meal with gusto in a few short minutes to either not eating ANYTHING or sometimes eating 1/4, 1/2, sometimes maybe 3/4 -- and after the first few weeks we decreased his kibble amount by at least half, so he wasn't even getting CLOSE to the 3 cups of Kirkland Lamb/Rice per day they he should.


    we have spend thousands on tests -- they suspect(ed) IBD, but he had none of the other symptoms other than the lack of appetite. Now, Zeke is very thunderphobic and would NEVER eat if it was raining or about to rain, so that we understood but this has been WAAAAY past that. He has even been regularly snubbing most if not all treats, even high-value ones! And I COMPLETELY understand how you feel about his not eating, I am the SAME way having lost 2 brothers to things related to GI/not eating. :( :( :cry1


    We tried about everything -- he was already getting yummy add-ins at each meal, like pumpkin, sweet potato, cottage cheese yogurt, sometimes pizza crust, canned salmon, heck you name it -- so trying to add that to get him to eat was out. I tried home cooking, I cooked ground beef, ground pork, roast pork, cooked white fish, ground turkey, chicken (although not that too much as if he had an allergy/IBD, that is supposedly the most allergenic protein). Tried 6-8 different kinds/flavors of kibble, including the Royal Kanin hydrolized stuff that smells yummy even to me. Some days he'd eat ok, but most days again, barely or not at all.


    Bruce picked up some PRIMAL freeze-dried raw food and when nothing else worked, he did seem to like this and would eat 4-5 "nuggets" so last week I pulled out a lamb heart and tongue I had in the freezer, cut it up and gave him a taste raw. He GOBBLED it down. I pulled out a beef roast, cut it up, along with some beef liver, some leg of lamb, etc. - and bought some chicken gizzards. Since last Thursday he (knock on wood) has been inhaling his food -- I put the kibble on the bottom, mix in the raw meat and top with some cottage cheese (which the CC was the only thing he ate most days) and he is eating it ALL. I don't know how long this will last, but praying it will.


    I don't know if raw is an option, but it might be worth a try to just buy a small piece of fairly lean beef or whatever and see how he likes it.?


    I wish you and Renny the best -- I really feel for you.


    ps. what kind of food was he on when all this started? just curious.

  4. hi all!


    Dr. Couto will be coming to speak about "What's New in Sighthound Health" on Sunday, August 19th from 1pm-4pm in Northlake, IL. This is hosted by The Greyhound Alliance -- a group that has brought nearly 5,000 hounds to over 38 states in the U.S. -- to adoption groups everywhere.


    all proceeds go to Dr. Couto's Health Initiative Program. :)


    please join us for this awesome event!




    see above link on how to purchase tickets.



  5. I am going through the same thing right now. First my female got it. Now she seems to be doing better and our old guy has it! He refuses to eat anything. I will be calling the vet in the morning. He's 14 and can't afford to lose any more weight!


    My prayers are with you!

    we too are having issues with our 8 year old Zeke! this has been going on since mid-April. He has not eaten a normal-sized meal in almost 3 months now. This is a dog that ate every single bit of food -- with zeal -- until this started. We are at our wit's end trying to get him to eat. He's had 2 ultrasounds (only showed a slightly enlarged spleen), a full GI panel (only low in vitamin D, which he now gets a shot weekly for) and fecal tests done. They (our regular vet, and the specialist) think possibly IBD so we tried that Hydrolized food as well, but he only ate it 2 meals then said "enough" and would not eat anything. I tried the multitude of kibbles we have on hand now (in the attempts to get him to eat ANYTHING) and he ate that, then stopped. I cook ground beef, ground pork, pork roast, fish, you name it -- I just did the fish on Saturyday and he inhaled that but is not eating much of anything else.


    I honestly do NOT think it is IBD, and don't even think it's from nausea, as he'll usually eat 2 types of high value treats 99% of the time even when he snubs everything else.


    he hasn't lost too much weight (yet) because I am getting him to eat something but no idea what is going on :(


    this seemed to have started right after we opened the bag (before this last one) of Kirkland Lamb & Rice, but that's probably just a coincidence, as Larry (thankfully) has been eating that all this time and is fine.

  6. I battled this myself just a few months back (for the first time). Drinking fluids and yes, sucking on sour candy (should have bought stock in Lemonheads) did help but pretty hard to get a greyhound to follow that advice :(


    sometimes (with humans, sure it's the same for dogs) they can actually SEE the stone that is blocking the gland opening and pick it out. Not in my case. 10 days of antibiotics (and my first CT scan in 30 years) finally cleared it up.


    mine was painful on and off but nothing really horrific, thankfully. Just a huge lump under my jawline on that side.


    the compresses will help.


    did they prescribe AB's?


    ETA saw the Doxy. How long has he been on it now?

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