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Posts posted by RaineysMom

  1. I haven't posted but have been keeping up :( I so hate to say it, but Chase reminds me VERY much of what we went through with Rainey -- and her brain tumor :( in her case, she had seizures (which thankfully Chase doesn't seem to have!) but otherwise the same weird stuff going on. We thought it might be the meds too but finally admitted it was what was going wrong in her sweet brain causing all the things.


    like Chase, it was just "weird" stuff -- going out and sniffing every single thing like she'd never seen it before, wandering around, bumping in to things, walking aimlessly -- same kind of just "weird" "you know it's not right" things.


    perhaps (and I hate to suggest another med!) but some have had some luck with meds that help such Alzheimer's (sp) type of issues?


    sending tons of hugs. This might sound bad but losing Nube to osteo was not as hard as Rainey to her brain issues. At least with Nube we knew what we were dealing with and what to expect. :grouphug

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