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Posts posted by RaineysMom

  1. WOW :) Our Larry has HORRIBLE corns, on all 4 feet :( :( nothing has worked either. He actually is on famotidine (10mg 1 x day), another acid reducer, but like mentioned, has not done anything like the cimetidine. I will check with his vet to see if switching him to cimetidine is a possibility! He'll be 10 next month, so I wouldn't want to give him something that could potentially cause other issues, but if the vet says ok we can try it :) thank you for posting!

  2. I am terrified of Proin, so many dogs had deadly issues with them -- ours put Rainey one DES (before I ever heard of either, back in 2005). She was on it until she died in 2011. We were able to get her to just 1 pill a week after the first few months -- it was every day for a while, then our vet suggested weaning her down if she was doing good and see what dose worked (if she leaked, got back up 1 and keep it at that). Turned out 1 a week was enough.


    I don't know if Proin is that different, but unless there's bad withdrawal issues with it, going every other day might not only be ok, you might find she can do well on the lower dose?

  3. Our Rainey started having seizures just a couple months before her 10th birthday. A brain tumor was always suspected, we had an MRI done on 10/4/10 (her 10th birthday, ironically) that showed nothing. We tried phenobarbital first (only for 5 days, the side effects were horrible), then a series of other drugs (Zonisamide and several others) but she continued to have frequent horrible seizures. Finally, on New Year's Eve, after yet another seizure, we started the Pheno again (along with the other drugs too). She went almost 2 months without a seizure, although by this point, her personality had changed severely (became obsessive, aggressive, etc) and the side effects again from the Pheno were tough. We were going to do another MRI on 3/9/11 -- why, I'm not sure why -- it wouldn't change anything I guess :( ) -- but we ended up setting her free the day before, on 3/8/11. Although we never had the 2nd MRI done, we (and her neurologist) knew it was a brain tumor.


    Most likely, seizures in seniors are due to some kind of brain issue, unfortunately. Hopefully yours will be few and far between (or better yet, no more!).


    sending hugs. Seizures SUCK. :(


    ps. if she has more, please try the icepack on the back here: http://www.canine-epilepsy-guardian-angels.com/icepack.htm -- I swear and many others do to how much it helps.

  4. hi, we have a concrete patio that Larry and Zeke have to use to get in and out to go potty from the back yard. The length they cross is about 15-20 feet in total.


    living in Chicago, we obviously get a lot of snow and we take great pains to keep the patio ice free because we are terrified one of the boys will slip and go down hard (they frequently come running and hit it going fast). We've always used the pet safe ice melt, which works ok, but is TERRIBLY expensive and we've been going through at LEAST 10-12 containers every winter (probably a lot more), with all the snow we've been getting here the past few years.


    they only go out between 4-7 times a day (5 being the norm) and only are on the ice melt stuff for a few seconds, when it's even on the ground. Would it really be bad for them if we used the regular melting salt for that small area instead of the pet safe? I could see if they were standing on it for a long time but it's literally 2 seconds to cross.


    any thoughts?


    thanks! :)

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