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Posts posted by RaineysMom

  1. I'm so glad she is doing better and is at home!!!!


    and yes -- I know everyone (including Bruce) thinks I'm a nut when it comes to thinking something's "not right" with the dogs. I DON'T CARE. I'd rather find out there was something less serious (or nothing) than do nothing.


    sending hugs!

  2. we just had our first so no real experience, but no food 12 hours or less before drop off (which was 8am) but water was ok. As per others, our vet does more tricky stuff early and "routine" later but did Larry at 11:00am. I would think some water was ok as long as it was a little and they don't tank up.

  3. Prayers for you......does he have Amicar available for post-op bleeding?


    wish I had asked about this :( :(


    prayers!! If you need help, please pm me (I'm off work until Monday).

    thanks Julie! Bruce is off today as well and we did it on a Friday so we'd have the weekend with him just in case. :) Poor baby bear was so confused on why he didn't get his last turn out/going to bed cookie last night at midnight and even MORE confused ON WHY NO BREAKIE THIS MORNING <_< he'll get a nice (small) meal later this afternoon..


    he is scheduled for 11am and they will call afterwards...am on pins and needles already. I know he is in great hands, but I can't help but worry. I put on a very brave face when dropping him off, he was already stressed about being there and he didn't need me being nervous/scared on top of it. I told him to be a big, brave, strong Lare Bear for us.


    thanks to all for the good thoughts!

  4. hi....I don't post many topics anymore but am here a lot reading :)


    If you guys -- whose prayers and good thoughts have helped SO many times in the past! -- could spare a small one for my sweet Larry Bear we sure would appreciate it. He goes in for the dreaded dental tomorrow and I'm terrified.


    this is the FIRST dental he's had (that I know of) and the very first dental I have EVER brought ANY dog in for so far, so I am extra worried (and I'm a worry wart to begin with). I've always held off, being so scared of the whole thing and the putting under and all. Larry just turned 9 in February but thanks for our Lab-in-a-Greyhound-Suit Zekie Bear, acts like 2 most of the time :D


    our Anubis had the WORST teeth and I was so afraid to do a dental I never did, and should of -- after getting Osteo in 2012 he went under 3 times in 6 weeks for radiation and I was kicking myself over and over again (still am) for never getting him a dental.


    I'm sure he'll be fine, but as I know you all can appreciate, I am worried. He's my baby bear :blush





    Friday 1:00pm -- Dr. Finan called and said Larry did GREYT!!! no extractions! :yay :yay said he's a little drunk but is awake and we can pick him up at 2:30pm today :D


    thanks again for all the prayers and good wishes!!!! :D :D

  5. actually the very light circle lower on the second toe from left, looks very much like a corn... the slight discoloration on the upper part of the next toe looks like more wearing on that part of the toe...



    I was thinking the same thing for the one on the left. I think they kind of show like that (barely) until they finally "erupt" and really start causing problems, like Larry's did. Every time we hull them they come back more painful and worse....

  6. Our 10.5 year old Anubis (RJ's Saint Nick) developed (or showed, I mean) bone cancer on 7/10/12. We opted, due to his age and his failing rear end, to not amputate but try palliative care. He was on several pain meds including Tramadol (150 3 x day I think), Gabepentin (dose?), Rimadyl -- I think that was all of them. Plus we did 3 rounds of radiation where he had to be put completely under -- and this is a dog with HORRIBLE teeth that I was SO afraid to put under for a dental for the 5 years prior -- and I allowed him to go under 3 times in 6 weeks. He also underwent 2 rounds of chemo (can't remember the names). In the end, the chemo seemed to take away the last thing he enjoyed, his appetite and eating. :( I also switched entirely to home cooked, low carb meals for the 2 months we had him after diagnosis (let him go 9/12/12).


    in hindsight -- or, if our Larry or Zeke were to be diagnosed -- I would probably just opt for the pain management and not do the radiation or chemo. I really will never know how much, if any, time either of them added to his life :( and it was a lot for him, and us, to go through (not to mention very expensive, but I would have mortgaged the house if I thought it would help!). :(


    Nube was happy for those 2 months, at least up until the last few days. If only we could know the right thing to do :( But -- someone said to me once a long time ago -- that any decision, if made out of love, is the right decision...and I believe that.


    I hope you and your SpottyDog have many pain-free days left. Sending many, many hugs :grouphug


    ETA Nube's was in his right shoulder, near the top -- I think it's a "better" (if that's even possible) area than say a smaller leg bone....

  7. our Rainey dislocated a back outside toe and then proceeded to KEEP dislocating it. Once it's done the first time, the tendon is stretched and it's far easier for it to keep happening. We didn't split, but kept it wrapped snuggly so that it kept in place and leash walked for several weeks (maybe 4-5?? been many years now). It never popped out again.


    good luck with your pup! it's a pain!

  8. I'm so very sorry for your experience :( :( :(


    we too, have had 2 very bad euthanasia's -- all 5 of our dogs have had to be put to sleep :( The first, our Pointer Remy, back in 2005 -- my very first time putting an animal down. They gave the sedative (done at our vet, who we love) but instead of relaxing him he jumped up and frantically ran around the room, totally freaking out :( it was horrible. I almost stopped the procedure at this time, thinking it was NOT the right time. I'll never forget that experience.


    our Lab Chester and Skipperke Captain both went very peacefully (Chester at home, Captain at the vet) but our sweet Rainey (our first greyhound) had issues with barbituates and I was SO STUPID not to ask the vet (who came to the house) what they used as the sedative and she had a very, very bad reaction to it. The last few minutes of her life were not good ones and I will never forgive myself for it. :(


    sending hugs :grouphug I know how you feel :(

  9. how long have you had her? Did you have thunderstorms (like we are, and I see they are in MI too, all night)? If you got her not too long ago it's possible she is thunder-phobic. We got our Zeke on 1/4/13 and didn't find out he is TERRIEFIED of rain/thunderstorms until the late spring when we got the first ones of the season.

  10. if you are thinking about letting him go then the vet should see NO harm in trying what Dr. Barker is suggesting :( she is the BEST and I would trust her with my pup's life.


    we had good luck at Arboreteum View in Downers Grove several years ago, but they are now a VCA ER and I've heard good and bad things about that group :(

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