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Posts posted by RaineysMom

  1. I have a 20 pound westie who is getting worse about thunderstorms. She was on 1/3 of a 2 mg xanax, but this past week that didn't even start to touch her panic. I had to give her 2/3 of the 2 mg which conked her out enough she went into her safe cave and slept thru most of the storms. We had hail as big as softballs here and we have had so many thunderstorms these past two months I am starting to get unnerved by them also. The thunder is almost a continual rumble thru the holler and the rain is just deafening. Karma has gotten to the point that if she hears a loud noise or if the wind blows too hard, she's panicking and in my lap. I feel so bad for her.

    If this keeps up, I am thinking of going to the vet to talk over other alternatives. I won't do ACE, which my vet is in favor of. I was wondering if daily prozac would calm her enough so that she wouldn't panic at the normal noises any longer. Then I could wean her off prozac and just go back to xanax when it's a true thunderstorm.


    We also have fireworks Every.Single.Friday.Night here during the summer. 9:30 on the nose so I dose her about 8 pm. I can only turn the TV up so loud to try to drown out the noise and when the satellite goes out due to the massive rain, that doesn't even work.


    our Zeke is getting increasingly worse with storms, I thought I was crazy! He is to the point that if it's even a little windy he becomes anxious, looking and "smelling" for the storms :( We actually just got some Trazodone, he's been having some issues with eating (well, or at ALL) since 4/19/17 and we tried the Traz to see if his now-seeming constant storm anxiety might be causing the eating issues. We did a 1/2 dose (50 mg) for the first 2 doses, then the full 100mg for the next 2 and it just WIPED him out. It didn't seem to help with the eating issues so we stopped it, but will use it in the future for storms, since it seemed to knock him out. I agree, I HATE using meds on dogs (or me!) but sometimes they are just the better choice.


    I hope your Westie hangs in there....I feel for you. We've had an unusually rainy spring (and winter for that matter, which is weird for Chicago!) so it's been a long few months.... :(

  2. HI Adrienne!!! Glad to hear Chevy's doing better :)


    I unfortunately had to stop the cimetidine for Larry since around 5/2/17 he started to have a bleeding ulcer from the Rimadyl he'd been on since the past October. :( I stopped the cimetidine at that time too since we weren't sure what was causing his issues and just never restarted it. The one corn on his back left foot is back :( (the huge one on this front right never went away but did seem better).


    I'm not sure if we'll try it again...he was prescribed Meloxicam to replace the Rimadyl (Larry has a lot of pain issues, due to a ruptured ACL back in 2010 before we got him) but we decided to try Gabepentin since Bruce had a Rx for it he never used. It seems to be doing him a lot of good and is a lot easier as far as side effects.


    Another lady in our group is going to try the cimetidine after hearing us talk about it over Memorial Day, I hope it helps her two hounds!


    Has anyone found a cheap source for the cimetidine? I could only find it at our Walgreen's, their generic 200mg 60 count bottle (the only size they had) was $13 so it was pretty pricey (since it is only a 15 day supply).

  3. swelling that bad does not sound normal to me at all? If it were me I would have the vet see him :( :(


    Zeke ripped his 80% off a couple years ago and we ended up having the vet cut in and cauterize it. I has since grown back, although it's totally wonky. But he did not have any swelling or issues of any kind.

  4. Our Rainey was Dr. Couto's "fourth" truly low thyroid greyhound (back in 2010). In August of 2010, just before turning 10 she began having seizures, and in November she tested truly with a low thyroid. I do not think this had anything to do with the seizures (although she was put on meds for it, and it didn't change the seizures) but since you asked I thought I'd mention.... :(

  5. update: Larry's been on Cimetdine now since 3/1 (400 mg 2 x day) and I can say that all but his biggest (worst and original) one on his front right is GONE. He had them on every paw. We're going to reduce down to 200 mg 2 x day now and see how that goes.


    I wish the big one would go far, far away but at least when we go for a walk now he only needs the one TheraPaw instead of 3!

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