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Posts posted by RaineysMom

  1. If the Deramaxx doesn't work, try Meloxicam -- Larry gets 1/2 a pill (3.75 mg) once a day and it works miracles -- and it's super cheap (we get it filled at Walgreen's, he's a member of their Rx club). He was on Rimadyl (well, Vetprofen, the flavored generic) for 6 months but started getting a bleeding ulcer so we switched to the Meloxicam.


    He also gets 300 mg Gabapentin 3 x day. He was also on 100 mg Tramadol 3 x day but he was having some anxiety (dementia?) issues a couple weeks ago, so we stopped the Tramadol so he could get 1/4 of a Trazodone. He seems fine without the Trams now. Larry will be 11 in February.

  2. absolutely get TheraPaws -- Larry has corns on all 3 feet (front right is the biggest and worst) and he couldn't go for his daily walkies without his booties. I'm very fortunate that he doesn't seem to mind them at all.


    for the Dremmel, I make sure I just am doing the corn and try to get it down just a little bit (tiny bit!) below the surface of the healthy pad part. It helps but doesn't solve it. His too come back bigger and worse every time they're hulled :(


    I tried Duct tape once but after 3 days I could barely get it off (it's supposed to fall off!) so I got a little nervous. I might try it again.


    tried cimetidine (I think 400mg 2 x day, but I had to get his blood levels checked on that - brand name is Tagamet, it's for heartburn!). That actually DID work and his corns were almost gone, but he ended up starting to have ulcer issues due to Rimadyl last May so I stopped that too. He's on enough other meds I feel/felt like a pill pusher...


    there's also another thing, it's the byproduct of petroleum jelly (the name escapes me, starts with an I) that we tried but he didn't tolerate having a bandage wrap on his foot (after applying the lotion stuff) so not sure how that works overall. ETA it's called Icthammol ointment (sp?).


    I feel for you. Corns SUCK.


    PTL Laroach, Larry, ran 87 races all at Daytona. Larry was kind of a strange runner in that he had no consistency in what he did. If he broke 6th, 7th or 8th and was 6th 7th or 8th at the turn that is where he finished, If he was 3rd, 4th or 5th to the turn that is where he finished and the same if he was 1st or 2nd to the turn. He would have been a tough dog to figure out when to bet him.



    Hey Who Whiz It, Zeke, ran 51 races between Pensacola, Jacksonville, Dubuque and Sarasota. He needed to be on top at the turn to have any chance to win. He had good early speed, but even when on top he was often trying to hang on at the end. Some dogs that need the front and don't get it will run backwards and end up 7th or 8th, but Zeke wasn't like that and if he was 2nd or 3rd to the turn he would usually end up in the money.

    thanks!!! Yes, Larry is a strange bird :D :D :D


    I've always thought Zeke only ran 37 races, it's great to know he ran 51! unfortunately, he broke his leg very badly in his last race and that's why he is lying on our Slumberball right now :kiss2

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