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Posts posted by RaineysMom

  1. Ironic that this popped back up after almost 4 years....our Larry just started showing issues with this back right leg, favoring it and walking oddly now on it just in the past few days. :( He just turned 9 in February and his grand dad is Gable Dodge so every limp or anything worries me. We're hoping it's just an minor issue with that leg (he hurt the ACL in that leg when he was 3, before we got him in June of 2011). If it gets worse, time for the dreaded x-ray..... :(


    if it is, we've already decided to just manage the pain. He's not a candidate for amputation, he's already having big issues with the front right due to multiple corns....and after putting Nube through radiation treatments and chemo, we don't want to do that either -- I think the cons outweigh the (possible) extra time we even got with him.


    I'm sure Larry's fine but I can't help but worry.

  2. YES!!! Our Larry has ridiculous boogies. In fact one of his nicknames is "Boogie Bear" :P He continually produces them and he either wipes them wherever he can, or I find them on the wall if he "flicks" (does that shake thing). They are grey when in his eyes, but turn hard and black once they leave and are really hard to get off the walls <_<


    his eyes seem perfectly fine other than the boogies...

  3. Yup. Larry has 2 on one of his front inner pads :( I don't know if this is true for all, but as bad as they were, every time we get them hulled they come back bigger, harder and worse EACH time -- and only gave him about 5 days of relief the very first time they were done (have done it 4 - 5 times now). I wish I had never had them hulled at all.


    buy a TheraPaw -- best $27 you'll EVER spend. He couldn't go for a daily walkie without one. :D

  4. our little Skipperke had the same thing happen, was a brain tumor as well. Eventually (and I can't remember how long, maybe a year) he started having trouble walking, eating, etc. and acted like he was drunk. He could only eat out of 1 side of his mouth. When it became too hard for him to eat, we let him go. He was 12.5 years old.


    so sorry you have this diagnosis but hopefully it will grow slowly and he will be with you a long time. Sending hugs.

  5. we're on day 2 with Larry, his corns were already pretty pronounced and sticking out of his paw pad but so far not seeing too much of a difference. I'm hoping they will just fall out. I put some of the ointment on, cover with a piece of gauze and try to secure it with a band aid (I thought just the band aid would stick to his fur too much?) and then putting his TheraPaw bootie over it all.


    The thing is, each time we've had them hulled it doesn't seem to help him at all, and they just come back bigger, faster and harder each time. He only had the 2 (one big one small) on his front left, but he had a bout with cellulitis back around Xmas and it looks like now he has MORE corns, one on each back paw! I almost think being sick "triggered" them to come out somehow.... God I hate these things!

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