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Posts posted by RaineysMom

  1. sending more hugs. Like I said, we had the same thing with our Rainey -- suspected brain tumor. We had an MRI done on 10/4/10 (her 10th birthday, ironically) that showed nothing but the neurologist still suspected a tumor or lesion causing the seizures.


    we tried a variety of meds (phenobarbital, keppra, zonisamide and others) but for her only a combo of those first 3 helped control them at all. Unfortunately, the pheno made her big-time whacked out - but some of her behavior probably was from the lesion as well (she became OCD, aggressive, just weirded out in general).


    you very well might be able to control the seizures and keep her quality of life for quite a while -- some tumors are very slow growing.


    I would highly suggest keeping a seizure log -- date, time, length of seizure, stuff she'd eaten prior to it, etc. Also, some say this is an old wive's tale but we SWORE by it as do others - the ice pack on the back during a seizure. With Rainey, every single seizure occurred while eating or within 1 minute of eating so I would just pull out the ice pack prior to feeding so it was ready, which made it a little easier. Here's the link: http://www.canine-epilepsy-guardian-angels.com/icepack.htm


    good luck with your girl. I truly feel for you -- what we went through with Rainey was very hard and I miss her every day. Praying things go well for you all.



  2. there's some good freeze dried out there (Primal and Northwest Naturals) -- we use them to just supplement Zeke when he won't eat his kibble or raw and as treats. They are expensive but for an Iggy not as bad as a 75# boy :) ( we couldn't afford to feed Zeke just that!).


    for raw, we use My Pet Carnivore -- it's fairly inexpensive and a good product. Also, I get Costco 88% ground beef ($3.15 # here) and their Butterball 93% ground turkey ($2.50? #) for Larry (he gets 90% kibble but I put in the raw as a "treat"). Zeke eats about 1/2 and 1/2 raw to kibble. Well, that's WHEN he eats... :(


    ETA I only get the FINE GROUND stuff from MPC, the coarse ground just has way too big of bone pieces in there. For the Primal, the bag costs about $30 for a 14 oz package (the big one) and the instructions are 4 nuggets for 10#, 8 for 20# (not sure how big your Iggy is) and guessing there's about 30? nuggets in the bag. Obviously if you are feeding other stuff (like the hamburger/turkey) you'd feed less and the bag would last longer :)

  3. I LITERALLY just found out about this 1 hour ago at Larry's Chiro treatment!!! She showed me the thing and says she's seen it work. I took the pamphlet to find out more about it. They charge $250 for it and it lasts 150 treatments (you don't replace the battery, you just throw the whole thing out and buy new :( ).


    might have to think about this. His LS is so bad on his L1/L2 his whole back end is really getting bad. He'll be 11 on the 24th of this month.

  4. hi all, yes we were able to get some -- our local Petsmart had 2 bags left so we grabbed them last Tuesday evening, then the next day Petco said they would be shipping my order (Dr. F&S is owned by Petco so same issue). Amazon would have been the last resort as it was $40 more than all the others but in a pinch I would have bitten the bullet.


    Petco ended up only sending 1 (thank God) so I'm pretty well set on it now :lol I just panicked because no one had it that I could see (F&S said they did but I actually called them and they did say no they did not).


    thanks again for the help! :)

  5. Good evidence, tho? If you're defrosting at room temperature, you'd increase the bacterial load. I mention this because I've known a lot of folks over the years who do defrost at room temp. Not usually a big issue if you keep your hands and tools clean and you cook the stuff well.

    :riphair:riphair as a ServSafe certified chef this makes me bonkers. :lol :lol


    and most parasites need a good week at 0 degrees to be killed....nasty little buggers :repuke

  6. I feed a lot of MPC turkey. I am 100% confident in its wholesomeness. I'd eat it myself. I actually think the MPC product is safer than the grocery store stuff but thats just me hehe. I fed their raw turkey necks for years without incident. Only reason I stopped was some propaganda I read about the neck vertebra causing problems. I like turkey necks because it firms up their poop so nice with all the bone and the nice minerals etc in it so I still buy it in their 1 lb tubs ground up. We like their rabbit too! And the ostrich, emu, mutton, lamb, goat, duck etc etc. :flip

    isn't their stuff great??? I originally tried the coarse ground beef but Zeke literally ran from it, and the coarse ground has just a bit too big of bone pieces in there for me, I worried about it. The fine ground is awesome. I wish they'd get the lamb back, and do the fine ground on that one. Their turkey gizzards and the duck hearts! Man it was so hard for me not to try them myself but they say their stuff isn't for humans but.... :D

  7. I feed Zeke raw fine ground TURKEY necks from My Pet Carnivore and hope they don't fall under something like this :unsure:( Both get raw turkey (Butterball) and raw hamburger (Costco 88%). Zeke also gets their Turkey Delight (which is fine ground with bones and some organ meat) and their fine ground rabbit (Larry doesn't get any that has bone as he gets a daily famotidine tablet and I don't know if he can ingest the bone as well, not going to take a chance).



  8. hi, with all the salt we've been using we had to stop using the "pet safe" stuff to just regular ice melting stuff, due to the extensive cost of the pet safe (we have a big area to salt that they go in and out on every time).


    I have a crapload of Kirkland Moist Flushable wipes (what at Costco CAN'T you buy a crapload of? :lol) and was wondering if I can use them to wipe their paws. I could use a paper towel or regular towel but the wipes sure would be a lot more convenient. I looked online but not really convinced either way so thought I'd ask y'all here. I read that propylene glycol can be toxic, and these DO have a fragrance, which also mentioned as not being good but...?


    the ingredients are:

    Water, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Tocopheryl Acetate, Disodium Cocoamphodiacetate, Polysorbate 20, Fragrance, Citric Acid, Disodium Phosphate, Disodium EDTA, Phenoxyethanol, Sodium Benzoate


    any ideas?


    TIA!!! :)

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