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Posts posted by RaineysMom

  1. Our guy takes 100 mg of Trazodone, as needed for anxiety. It was originally prescribed to him as he had separation anxiety that was not improving with alone training, etc. We used the medication along with behavioral training to help him get over the initial uncontrolled anxiety and it worked great! One thing I would note is that the first and second time you give the meds, the greys will appear to be more influenced. Our grey was very sleepy and "out of it" as some of you had noted. However, the vet said that is normal for the first few administrations. Now, it just simply takes the edge off when needed - he is otherwise 100% normal and happy.


    Hope this helps!

    this is interesting, I wonder if Zeke would do better after the first couple of doses? With just the 25mg he's fine with it on an as-needed basis but seriously thinking about daily. Sorry to hijack!

  2. Zeke was prescribed 100mg Trazadone every 8-12 hours (on a daily basis) for anxiety but on the first dose, he reacted like yours -- he was just OUT of it. Which, when it's raining (or windy, or snowing, or just cloudy out now :() may not be too bad of a thing, but I didn't want him THAT medicated. Now, I give him a 1/4 of one (so about 25 mg) as soon as I can if I see rain/storms coming. It seems to take the edge off slightly but definitely doesn't knock him out. He would probably be ok with 50mg but I haven't tried that yet.


    He just turned 9 and while thunderphobic since we got him in January of 2013, he has quadrupled (or more) his anxiety and like I said, not just rain or thunder but other stuff too that are harmless :( I've started to think about putting him on it on a daily basis (as originally prescribed) but hate to....but as bad off as he is sometimes it might be worth it. We literally can NOT leave him alone if there's any chance of rain. DH and I haven't been out together more than 2 or 3 times in the past 2-3 months and it sucks. Unfortunately, we went out last Tuesday -- it was BEAUTIFUL here -- blue sky, sunny. About 10 minutes before we were going home it started pouring out of nowhere :( so now I don't know if I'll ever get him to crate again, it took almost 2 years after the last storm he was alone in.....


    I would try just 50mg and see how he does?

  3. I am getting Conner's from Costco, $7 for 90 100mg capsules. Hopefully, even if it becomes controlled they will still fill it, but it will probably go up. The 300 mg capsules I got for my shingles were a lot more expensive ($30, $40? don't recall for sure) but it was a one time deal.

    wow, I need to check Costco. I just paid $49.00 for 180 for Larry -- he gets it 3 x day. If they reclassify....geesh.

  4. we had to do a round of Dronal last year with Zeke as he's been on and off not eating for about 15 months now. He is very suspicious of anything you give him, won't eat much of anything, but damned if he didn't wolf down the drontal (powder) I added to 3 large balls of 88% ground beef. He wouldn't have eaten that at his regular meal time (just the beef) but for some reason he thought it was wonderful.... Go figure.

  5. our first 2 slept with us but ONLY because they had ZERO sleep/startle issues. Our 3rd, Larry, is totally off limits when he's on his bed so he never sleeps with us (and stays on his bed) -- with Zeke, we let him up on our bed one morning a couple weeks after we got him to see how he was, and he too snapped when woken up so NOPE. He is actually in a large x-pen in our room only because Larry has the more severe issues and it's to protect Zeke from stumbling on him or whatever during the night.


    I TRULY TRULY TRULY miss having my pups in bed with me -- both were SUPER snugglers, Rainey would tuck her head under my chin/neck and it almost made me cry it was so sweet.


    if yours is snapping, no more bed, I totally agree. Having been bitten (my right ear lobe was bitten off) do not take a chance. Sorry :(

  6. we give our Larry a 20mg famotidine daily as he will vomit bile often if we didn't give it. We feed at 6:30am and again at about 4:30-5pm and I will give him a couple medium milkbones or other treats around 12pm-1pm just to keep something in his stomach.


    how often do you feed? when she's vomited has it been a while since she last had eaten something?


    also curious, why is there roots and dirt in her kennel? is she kept outside?

  7. we give Zeke a 1/2 dropper full once a day to help increase his appetite -- it seems to be helping, he is eating a little better than before. I haven't tried it with Larry yet, who is suffering pretty badly from LS - he's on 300mg gabapentin and 100 mg tramadol 3 x day and gets 3.75 mg Meloxicam each morning.


    what is your boy on the pain meds for? The Gaba does seem to help for Larry. He was on Rimadyl (from 10/16 to 5/17) but started developing bleeding in his stomach so we had to stop it and have been giving the Meloxicam since. It has less side effects and I really like it better.


    Zeke's CBD is a very good quality, from Super Snouts (300mg bottle) -- it's not cheap, though. One little bottle is $70. https://supersnoutshempcompany.com/products/

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