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Posts posted by RaineysMom

  1. Hi Kimmi592

    It sounds like are in the same boat! I hope he is doing better or gets better!!

    Thank you all for the responses! So far this August he has been doing really well. If I can get him through the end of the month we might be turning a new corner. It will also be the first month where he hasn't been sick since I adopted him!! He usually starts getting sick on the 19th and then it's on and off of not wanting to eat, then he just snaps out of it and is fine.

    Wish us luck!

    does the 19th coincide at all with a medication, like his heartworm pill? seems weird it's the same time every month. Or a lawn treatment, or?

  2. The more frequent dosing isn't to give more, its to lessen the chance of a dose wearing off before the next one because Gabapentin has been shown to have a short half life in greyhounds. So since your vet has prescribed 600 mg/day the suggestion would be to give 200 mg 3x/day. The dose not being high enough is a separate issue so I don't blame your vet for saying no.


    A good ortho or Neuro should be able to get x-rays without sedation. Might be time to seek out a specialist.

    yes -- 3 x a day is better than just 2 since the half-life of Gaba is only about 8 hours so it will be gone by the time you give the next one at every 12 hours :(


    sending healing hugs for your girl.

  3. She just turned 6, very large and deep chested for a female so she tends to be front end heavy. She always runs then jumps the last 3 steps going down into our den and I knew that would catch up to her eventually. The meloxicam dosage she is on is only 1.5mg, I think the vet is conservative due to the side effects the drug can have.

    How long does it take for them to adjust to the gabapentin before I can increase the dose?

    I think the time it takes just depends on the dog. I would give it when you will be home so you can monitor her, especially with how she does the stairs (our angel Nube and current Zeke do the same thing to get up the stairs, scary...). Being 93# (it's a SHE??? WOWZA. :)) 100 or 200 mg might not even phase her but it's hard to know. For example, our angel Rainey had a SUPER bad reaction to any kind of opioid-based (not Gaba obviously!) drug, and all of our other 3 are fine with them -- just depends on the dog..


    ETA I spelled "dog" "god". Twice. Had to come back and correct :lol

  4. Larry has LS and neck issues too, and takes 300mg of Gabapentin 3 x day along with 100 mg Tramadols 3 x day (well, the night dose we sometimes just give 50mg if he's doing ok) and on 3.75 mg meloxicam. Larry had zero issues with the Gaba, even right at the beginning, but our Rainey (who was on it for seizures, she had a brain tumor) got pretty wonky on it until she got used to it. Larry is 82# (was a chunky monkey at 86 when he first started taking it!) and Rainey was about 65# so her weighing less might have had something to do with it.


    The meloxicam is tough to get the right amount since it depends on weight. Fortunately, at 82 1/2 of the 7.5 mg pill is perfect.


    how old is your pup?

  5. Larry has LS and disc issues as well in his neck. He just turned 11 in February. He takes 100 mg Tramadol 3 x day (well, sometimes just 50 mg at the 10pm dosing) and 300 mg gabapentin 3 x day, glucosamine, and also a 1/2 (3.75mg) tablet of Meloxicam (NSAID) every day. He was on carprofen (Rimadyl) from Oct 2016 - May 2017 but started showing dark stools (ulcers from the carprofen) so we switched to the Meloxicam. So far, so good. He wouldn't still be with us without the Meloxicam. Larry has space/bed issues and I know that if it came to us having to try to help him get up from bed, he'd go after us so at whatever point he can't take the meds, or they stop working, we will have to let him go.


    Our vet did suggest possibly Galliprant (also an NSAID) but hasn't used it on any dogs she sees yet and it's pricey I guess. We could try that as a last resort. I don't know what Galliprant is as far as if your girl could take it or not though.


    sending gentle scritchies to your sweet girl. :kiss2


    ETA: he also gets a chiro adjustment every 4 weeks....


    and there's also something called a Depro (Depo???) shot that can be done by some vets, but they have to be off NSAIDS for like 2 weeks before and can't go back on them for 3 months (if the shot doesn't work, and it's hit or miss I guess). Larry wouldn't make it if the shot failed to work....

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