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Posts posted by RaineysMom

  1. I spend hours every week making/cutting a HUGE variety of meats for (mostly Zeke, my picky eater) boyz.


    Right now Zeke gets cooked ground pork and cooked beef (shank, pot roast, fat removed) and some raw liver pureed up with some water (warmed up) that I use to entice the already soaked kibble (usually in HM beef broth). His other raw food includes: beef tongue, liver, heart and hamburger, cubed beef (like rump roast, whatever's cheapest on sale), ground or cubed turkey meat; green tripe (his new favorite!), cottage cheese; ground/cubed lamb, lamb heart and lamb liver. Gets an occasional sardine too. A 1/2 to 3/4 cup of kibble each meal too (to hopefully catch any nutrition I missed with the raw, it's the Royal Canin hydrolyzed protein one $$$).


    Larry gets some of the cooked pork and beef along with cooked chicken and some defrosted frozen veg (peas, carrots, mixed veg, etc) and either pumpkin, sweet tater or Olewo carrots and occasionally PIZZA CRUST!!! with a little water as a topper (heated up). He gets a little of whatever raw Zeke is having for that meal too, but Larry gets more kibble than other stuff.


    it takes a good 10 minutes per day just building the toppers and Zeke's 2 raw plates.....

  2. if you don't want to wreck a good ladle, just tape a plastic deli-style container to a old broom stick or such. We used the 8 oz one with our Anubis when he was on chemo, to collect and dispose of the poison pee. Good luck with your boy.


    Something else to consider is a light bout of pancreatitis. Ham is a really rich and sometimes fatty meat, and can set off some dogs systems. Many high end "grain free" foods are also higher in fat as it helps with palatability. Some greyhounds are sensitive to rich, high protein foods and do better on lower protein diets. Dog are omnivores like humans, not obligate carnivores like cats, and need some source of carbs for fuel.


    Good luck!

    100% agree. Our Rainey had pancreatitis and displayed the same symptoms, the bowing/stretching (a LOT) and looking at her stomach and vomiting, too. Her first attack ended up at the E-vet and after that we just ONLY fed no or low fat food/treats. About 2 years after her initial pancreatitis episode/diagnosis, one Sunday night she started to exhibit the same symptoms (no vomiting though), and it turned out to be BLOAT (we thought another P. attack). Luckily we got her to the E-vet in time for them to do surgery before her stomach flipped. I'm not trying to scare you with the bloat! (and if your girl had bloat by now she wouldn't be with you, not trying to be blunt - what I mean is it kills quickly).


    good luck and hope your girl gets better!

  4. oh my God, my heart just sank when I saw Rocket's name on here :cry1 :cry1 :cry1 I am SO very, very sorry!!! :( :( :( Rocket was such a special boy and much loved by everyone. I know your heart is breaking :( :( :cry1 I'm glad he sent you signs that he is ok.


    crying here, again I am so very sorry. Your tribute is just beautiful.


    sending many hugs.



  5. hi Annette -- first of all sending hugs to you and Miriam!!!


    Whining can be the result of lots of things and pretty hard to figure out. I wasn't going to post this, but our Rainey became extremely whiney after her seizures started (which thankfully your Miriam doesn't have!) and her "brain thing" started at age 10. For her, I think she was just constantly insanely hungry for the most part, but she whined for hours on end - I thought I was going to pull my hair out :(. Because she was prone to pancreatitis, we couldn't give most regular treats and didn't want her to pack on the pounds, so (defrosted) frozen green beans became her bestest (and mine) favorite in-between meal snacks. I'd just defrost and squeeze out most of the water (by this point, she was peeing daily in the house so excess water was not out friend :() and say it was Greeny Beany Time and she would prance and inhale them. I would literally by 20 1# packages when they'd go on sale for like $.99 a bag and keep them frozen.


    I'm not sure why I'm posting this since whining can be from anything, but for Rainey it was in fact from dementia or whatever was going on in her brain. I'm not trying to scare you, just sharing what was my experience -- I pray it's just Miriam wanting some extra pets from her sweet momma. :grouphug


    you could try seeing if feeding low-calorie snacks might help.

  6. oh he is so handsome! Glad to hear you will work with the adoption group - that truly is the best for all. Not every dog is the right fit for the right situation, it happens all the time and KNOWING it's not the right fit and making it work out best for everyone is truly the most important thing and I commend you for knowing something needs to be done. :)


    3 of our four have been in previous homes and returned for all different reasons. We turned out to be their right spot. :)

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