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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. Oh no... I'm very sorry for your loss. I'm sure he's found his first momma at the Bridge, and has been properly welcomed by our Bridge angels. Blessings to you and your DH for loving Frazzle in his time of need, and giving him a terrific home in his last years.
  2. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Godspeed, sweet boy...
  3. Oh no... Sending prayers and light to Judge.
  4. I'm sorry it's been such a tough week for you and your baby boy. Holding Rusty in my prayers for a full recovery and sending LOTS more wishes his way.
  5. Welcome! Tell us more. Got pics?
  6. Wow! That's SUCH excellent news. Miracles CAN happen.
  7. I'm sorry your baby boy is feeling poorly. Sending LOTS more prayers, light and wishes.
  8. My little senior girl (15), Phoenix just had a dental and minor surgery. She also has a heart murmur. My grey savvy vet brought her through these procedures just fine, keeping an IV going, and sending us home with a one-week precription for an antibiotic. Cost was $313 for the dental + ABS
  9. Sending lots of prayers and light to your beautiful gal.
  10. Have no experience with this medication, only used an NSAID and Tramadol with my greys that had OS. Suggest you join the Circle of Greys group. Dr. Shelley is on that list and will help guide you, as well as tons of others with experience. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CircleofGrey/ Keeping prayers and light flowing to you and your boy.
  11. Sending lots of prayers and light to your precious baby boy.
  12. Smiles and waggin' tails are wonderful to see. More prayers for your Tator boy to continue to progress and come home tomorrow.
  13. One vet I just used said no food/water after 8:00 p.m., and drop-off was 9:00 a.m.! I think protocol's vary with each vet, and depends upon the time they fit surgery into their daily schedule. You should be fine with no food/water after 10:00 p.m. Many prayers for your pupper...
  14. I'm so very sorry. My prayers are with you. Godspeed, precious Nate...
  15. Excellent news about your precious boy! It's great that you're visualizing him playing in the yard again. Thoughts are very powerful... keeping the prayers and light flowing.
  16. Oh dear... Sending lots of prayers and light to your baby boy and all the vet staff who are working with him today. Many hugs to you, too.
  17. Holding Lola in the light and sending prayers for a surgery and recovery filled with grace and ease.
  18. OMG! I heard about this from Gt'r Egg yesterday, and started prayers and light for her then. Hoping your girlie pulls through and is back to her usual self very soon. Many more prayers and wishes being sent.
  19. Your baby girl has a strong will to live and be the Queen. Keep up the great work Janie.
  20. I'm so very sorry for your mother's loss of her beloved Harry. Blessings to her for opening her heart and home to a boy who desperately needed her love. May she always feel his loving spirit in her heart.
  21. My deepest condolences go out to Duchess' family and friends, whose broken hearts are left behind. Godspeed, beautiful girl...
  22. Lots more prayers and light for Rusty. Hoping for good news.
  23. Oh crap. My heart aches for you. Lots of prayers and light beaming to your baby boy.
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