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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. What heartbreaking news. My prayers are with Marilyn and the friends and family of Bob and Marilyn. Heaven must have needed a very special angel.
  2. Awwwww, she's a beauty! Sounds like she's adjusting just fine. Great that she's ignoring the kitty! Amazing how adaptable these hounds are.
  3. iluvgreys


    What a lovely boy. I'm sorry you didn't get to spend more months and years with this fine gent. Godspeed, sweet Alex...
  4. She will always be memorialized on GT. Godspeed, Queen Donnie... go boss those Bridge angels to your heart's content.
  5. What a gift to have these unexpected picture of your heart boy. Such a sweetie pie... and just a whisper away in spirit.
  6. Welcome to GT! Pearlie sounds like a gem of a gh, and a great friend for your boy. Hopefully you'll get some pics posted soon of your puppers.
  7. Mary, my heart aches for you. I'm sorry it was time for your precious girlie to go. May your memories bring you comfort. Godspeed, sweet Missy...
  8. How very sad. Sending my deepest sympathy to Emily for her loss. Godspeed, sweet Barbie girl... send your momma a sign when you can.
  9. Such very sad news. She was such a brave soul. Sending prayers and hugs to all who knew and loved this precious girlie, and wishing Godspeed to Miss Fanny. Go and join our beloved and run like the wind on your new wings.
  10. iluvgreys

    Johnny O Boy

    My heart aches for you. Godspeed, sweet Johnny...
  11. What a lucky boy he was, to call your home and heart his own. I'm very sorry it was time for him to go. Godspeed, sweet Prince...
  12. iluvgreys


    I'm so very sorry for your loss. I'm sure Tasha knew that she was a cherished family member, and understood that you were helping greyhounds but still loving her always. I pray that you find the peace that your baby girl already has.
  13. I'm very sorry to hear that your sweet girl is gone. I'm sure she knew she was so very loved and cherished to her last breath. Remember that she will live on in your heart, and is only a whisper away in spirit. Godspeed, precious Lily...
  14. Andi, my heart aches for you. I'm so sorry your time with the amazing Miss Olivia was so limited. I know she will be held in your loving heart forever. Godspeed, precious girlie...
  15. I'm very sorry for the loss of your best boy. I can tell from your lovely tribute, how profoundly Spottydog changed your life and taught you valuable lessons. May you always feel his loving spirit with you in your heart. He is only a whisper away. Godspeed, precious boy...
  16. I'm so sorry it was time for her to go. Godspeed, sweet Molly...
  17. Carla, I'm very sorry for the loss of your precious Annabelle. I'm sure she was met at the Bridge by dear friends and a chorus of roo's, and will live on in your heart forever.
  18. Congrats! Your life is forever changed. He's one handsome fella... and especially love the white markings in his face.
  19. What a beautiful tribute to your precious girlie. I hope you'll post pictures someday of your hounds.
  20. What a beautiful pair of angels. I'll bet that they had a guiding hand in bringing Lynne to you, and will direct other special puppers your way too. Thank you for sharing them with us.
  21. iluvgreys


    I'm so very sorry that he had to go so soon. You gave him 4 months of safety, comfort and kindness, not to mention being loved, cherished and spoiled rotten. Blessings to you for opening your heart and home to this precious pupper. Godspeed, sweet Romeo...
  22. Your time was WAY too short with your Lucky Duck. My heart goes out to you. Godspeed, precious pupper...
  23. What great pictures of your big goof. We never forget those whom we love and lose.
  24. My heart goes out to you. Your beautiful girl is now free of pain, discovering fields of clover and brilliant sunbeams and new friends who will race with her on the wind. Send your momma a sign that all is well, little one.
  25. Lidia and Mike, I'm so very sorry for your loss of Mustang. She blessed your lives and shared the lessons you needed, before leaving her failing body. Know that Bluebird and all of our beloved Bridge angels were there to greet her with a happy chorus of roo's, as she discovers full health again. May she live on in your hearts forever. Godspeed, sweet girlie...
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