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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. My heart is breaking for you. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Pretty couldn't have asked for a better Daddy, or more loving home. Godspeed, precious girl...
  2. iluvgreys

    Rapido Casino

    I'm so sorry that your time with lovely Cas was cut short. She's joined our beloved Bridge angels and is running painfree on her new wings.
  3. My heart aches for you, Heather. What a lovely tribute to your beautiful goof. I know she is sorely missed by so many. Godspeed, sweet girlie... Go and teach our beloved Bridge angels the high art of goofiness, and run like the wind, painfree forevermore.
  4. What a pretty girl she is! Has she mastered that big bed yet? With Molotov and HB's Commander in her pedigree, she'll have lots of relatives.
  5. I'm very sorry for your loss. Thank you for giving that sweet ol' boy a special place in your heart and home in his last year. Godspeed, precious Cooney...
  6. I'm very sorry for the loss of your precious T-bone. I know the heartache of losing several of my beloved hounds to bone cancer. Know that your sweet boy was met at the Bridge by lots of new friends, and will live on in your heart forever. No doubt he will guide you to another greyhound that will help to heal your heart.
  7. I'm so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Lizzy. Know that she's free from pain, running to her heart's content with friends at the Bridge. Blessings to you for cherishing her in her last years. Seniors are simply the best.
  8. Jenn, your pictures and lovely tribute made me cry. My heart is breaking for you. Losing both of your babies in such a short time must be unbearable. No doubt they are romping together at the Bridge, meeting all of our beloved angels.
  9. I'm very sorry for the loss of your sweetest boy. He was much too young. May you always feel his loving spirit close to you in your heart, and watch for his divine paw guiding another special hound your way to help his grieving sis and your aching heart. Godspeed, precious Farley...
  10. Nan, my heart goes out to you. I know how you adored your Profee boy. I'm sorry it was time for him to go. Godspeed, sweet boy...
  11. Oh no... My heart aches for you. I was SO hoping that you would have LOTS more time with your beautiful heart girl. Mike's tribute was so very touching. She was cherished for years in your home and hearts, and could not ask for more. I know that you will love her forever and she'll always be a part of you. .
  12. Also crying for a lovely boy that I never knew, but touched my heart deeply. Blessings to Hope and Sara for loving Scrimage to his last breath. Run free, sweet angel, in the bright light of the Bridge. Look for my fawn pack, Wells, Sandee and Shari, and also Ms. Derby. They will show you a good time.
  13. I'm sorry you lost your lil' bunny at such a young age. What a cutie pie he was... Godspeed, sweet Fizzgig.
  14. iluvgreys


    What a heart warming tribute to such a beloved old soul. Dave knew he was a cherished family member and looked estatic, no matter what he was doing. I'm sorry his time with you as a pet was so short. Godspeed, precious Dave... send your momma a sign that all is well for you again.
  15. iluvgreys


    I'm very sorry for the loss of your precious girl. No matter how many months or years they share our lives, it is never enough. May your memories of her bring you comfort and joy. She is with you always, in your heart. Godspeed, sweet Kricket...
  16. iluvgreys

    Willow Is Gone

    Oh no... My heart is breaking for you. What a tragic loss of your beautiful girlie. I'm so very sorry she had to leave you so unexpectedly. Godspeed, precious Willow...
  17. Although I never met Henry, I loved him from afar. My prayers go out to Laura and Maureen, with the loss of this precious brave boy, and all those whose hearts were touched by him. Godspeed, sweet boy... go and run with our beloved Bridge angels, for you are now one.
  18. I'm very sorry it was time for Mark to go. Your tribute to him is lovely and honors his specialness in such a sweet way. May you be comforted by your happy memories of Mark. He will live on forever in your heart and no doubt will send another hound your way when the time is right. Godspeed, precious one...
  19. I'm very sorry for your loss. Even though his time was too short with you, he was a cherished family member and was much loved. May your happy memories of him bring you comfort. Godspeed, sweet Mr. Threat.
  20. I'm very sorry for your loss. I'm sure Merry felt your love and returned it ten-fold. Godspeed, little girlie...
  21. iluvgreys


    What a very lovely tribute to a beautiful soul who touched your heart deeply. The love you share is very special, and is untouched by her passing.
  22. My heart aches for you. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Godspeed, sweet boy...
  23. I'm very sorry for your loss. Oz sounds like he was a very special boy, and much loved. May you always feel his spirit with you in your heart. Godspeed, sweet Oz...
  24. Your story of Andy's dancing just melted my heart. I'm so very sorry it was time for him to leave you. I'm sure he's joined our beloved Bridge angels and is running like the wind, grinning down at you.
  25. Paula, I'm sure your baby girl is smiling down at you from the Bridge. Thank you for sharing her with us.
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