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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. I'd get some Benedryl into him, and put Benedryl cream on the bites too. Don't know a safe way to kill those ants, but you can probably find the answer on the Net. Poor Stewie...
  2. Do you know Bullett's racing history? If there's any chance that he was an Arizona racer, it could be Valley Fever (fungal). We've recently had two VF dogs that presented with a limp, had bone and lung lesions but was not OS. Both are recovering with anti-fungal Tx. Keeping your precious boy in my prayers.
  3. Sending lots of light and prayers to Sophie. Please keep us updated.
  4. I'm so sorry to hear your distressing news about the OS. Glad you've joined the CoG. They were a God-send to me when I lost my Derby girl last year. Good pain mngt. is critical, as well as knowing when it's time to say goodbye. All three of mine had the fast-growing type of OS, and only made it 6 weeks from the first limp to failure of the leg with horrible swelling that couldn't resolve. Your precious girl lives in the NOW. Give her whatever she loves to eat, take lots of pictures, love on her, and cherish every moment. My prayers are with you both.
  5. Give your boy plenty of pain meds. OS can be extremely painful. Glad you're still seeing some of his sparkle and spunk. All you can do, really, is cherish every moment you have. He lives in the now and knows he's your special boy. Sending more prayers...
  6. My heart aches for you. Such a difficult road that so many of us have traveled. Keeping your precious Bullett in my prayers for much more quality time with you and your family.
  7. Oh dear... You must be beyond stressed out! Keeping both of your boys in my prayers and surrounded with light.
  8. Sending many prayers for a successful surgery and uneventful recovery for your baby girl.
  9. Such a loving and heartwarming tribute to your first and best boy. I'm so very sorry for your loss. There never is enough time. Godspeed, precious Dylan...
  10. Just seeing this now. Will hold your girlie in my prayers for a peaceful and gentle transition, and ask my Bridge kids to find her and show her the ropes. Godspeed, precious Lady...
  11. Oh no... The worst news. Please immediately join the Circle of Grey group as they are incredibly knowlegeable and supportive with cancer issues. They helped me get through Derby's illness last year. Holding Sophie in my prayers for much more quality time with you.
  12. I'm so very sorry it was time for Buddy to go. I know he was a beloved family member who will be greatly missed. Godspeed, precious boy...
  13. I'm so sorry to hear that your girlie is in pain again. OS is such a nasty cancer. Houndtime is right. You can give more tramadol, but Deramaxx is one of those once-a-day meds, to be given in the a.m. with food. Sending lots of prayers and light...
  14. So very sorry to hear your news. Keeping your beautiful girlie in my prayers and sending her tons of light for as much quality time with you as possible.
  15. My heart aches for you. Fly like the wind on your new wings, Bonnie.
  16. My heart is aching for you. No matter how much time we have, it's never enough... and the empty hole in our heart feels vast. Godspeed, brave Zeus. Fly like the wind on your new wings, and roo with all of our beloved Bridge angels.
  17. I'm so sorry you lost your best boy. Your loving tribute made me cry. Know that his spirit will be with you forever, in your heart space..
  18. Welcome to GT! That's a handsome pupper you have there.
  19. I'm very sorry to hear your sad news about Derby's passing. So very difficult to see a beloved hound in such pain and not be able to stop it. Sending my deepest condolences to your friend, and Godspeed energy to Derby...
  20. I'm so very sorry your baby girl didn't make it. Was hoping she'd pull through. My deepest condolences to you. Godspeed, sweet Felicia... fly like the wind on your new wings.
  21. It's time for x-rays. Sending prayers that nothing shows up, and it's just a minor muscle pull.
  22. I'm so very sorry for your loss. So many of us were praying for a different outcome... and the search team was so close to finding her. I'm sure your precious Hannah has found her friends at the Bridge and is once again running like the wind on her new wings.
  23. Your best boy earned his wings, and is now free from pain and suffering. May you find peace within yourself and allow your happy memories of Kurri bring you comfort.
  24. iluvgreys


    I'm very sorry for your loss. Godspeed, sweet Lily...
  25. My deepest condolences for your loss. Godspeed, sweet Idol...
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