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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. So glad your sweet girlie is home, and can heal in comfortable surroundings. Sending more prayers and good thoughts her way for an uneventful recovery process.
  2. Oh dear... Holding your precious Brooke in my prayers, surrounded by loving light. Many hugs to you.
  3. Sending blessings and love to all the puppers.
  4. He's only 7 pounds? 'Cause I'm super protective, I'd use the hydrogen peroxide too.
  5. Nothing wrong with you, Robin, other than being sleep deprived and worried sick. You can't "fix" her... just allow her to heal in her own time, providing all the comforts you can and do. Polli IS fine, given what she's adjusting to, and will be back to her barky waggy self before you know it!
  6. Adding my prayers for an uneventful recovery and hoping your baby girl can come home tomorrow. Get plenty of rest this evening.
  7. So glad to see that Polli is feeling better! Time to eat now, lil' girl.
  8. Geez... I'm sorry for your news. Hoping you have much more quality time with your sweetie and that he continues to feel good and love life to the fullest.
  9. My deepest condolences to you and those who loved this lil' fella. I'll miss your stories of him. Godspeed, precious Rocco...
  10. I think it'd be alright to give her a Valium. Both of you need rest.
  11. My heart aches for you. Jeanie is now free from a physical body that no longer worked for her, and can run like the wind with the angels, to her heart's delight. May you always feel her loving spirit with you in your heart, where love lives on.
  12. I'm so sorry you're losing your beautiful Isabella. What a gem she's been through all of the changes in function you both have bravely faced. Sending you strength of heart to do what is so heart wrenching, and peace for you both.
  13. I'm so sorry you're going through this with your beloved Jeanie. Osteo is a wicked cancer and so destructive to the body. She's letting you know that she's ready. Sending your darling girl prayers for a gentle passing over the Bridge and asking my Bridge angels to meet her and show her the way. Hugs to you for strength and peace.
  14. You might want to try him on a product called "Duralactin" which helps the gut to heal up, or even a probiotic which helps older hounds to absorb more nutrition from their food. Keeping your sweet boy in my prayers.
  15. She'll be so excited to see you and go for a ride HOME! Give your baby girl some extra kisses from us.
  16. Polli is a trooper and hopefully will be coming home soon. Holding her in my prayers, surrounded by healing light and love.
  17. Hi and welcome to GreyTalk! Tell us more about your spoiled hound. We love pictures, too.
  18. I'm so very sorry you're having to deal with this. Pain control is essential. Depending upon how much Argos weighs, you should be able to up his dosage of tramadol substantially for adequate pain control. Check with your vet for guidelines. Sending lots of prayers and light to all of you...
  19. Out of my 6 greyhounds, I lost 3 to osteo, when they were in the 9 to 10 yr. old range. The two seniors had non-cancer health issues at ages 14 1/2 and 16. My surviving grey, Finn, is healthy and I watch him like a hawk.
  20. Oh no. Rotten news. I'm keeping my prayers and light flowing to your sweet Polli and her loving support system which will help her pull through. Please consider joining the Circle of Grey for additional support and advice. The group helped me tremendously when I lost Derby girl.
  21. Sending prayers and wishes to your handsome fella.
  22. You know your boy the best, and are in the best position to make the decision for what is in his highest good. Don't second guess yourself. Jed knows he is loved, safe, and lives for each day only. We are cursed to know what lies ahead. Cherish every moment with your sweetie. Sending more light and kisses to him.
  23. Very sorry to hear about Polli's fracture. Poor lil' girlie... Sending lots of prayers and healing light to her, and hugs to you. The "not knowing" part is hardest to deal with.
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