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Everything posted by Jackandgrey

  1. Thank you all. I will post a proper rememberence thread for my girl when I can.
  2. Please support the Miss Nellie Auction October 24th. We have lost too many!
  3. My best baby girl will be leaving me for the bridge probably tomorrow. She will be with her brother Jack and dance on a rainbow forever. Love just isn't enough to keep you with me forever my girl. Always dancing
  4. Janet, Jake has my every good wish. Tell him to knock it off!!
  5. All my very best thoughts for your girl!! We'll all be pulling for her!
  6. When you say you use less, what are you talking about? I give my guys 1-1/3 twice a day. I feed them about a cup 2x/day. With other foods it was 1 1/2 - 2 cups 2x/day. So in the end I pay about the same as less expensive food.
  7. Jack was with me for 6 months post Dx. I would watch carefully at this stage. Jack didn't start licking at his tumour site until very shortly before I had to let him go. I suspect it is an indication of pain. But otherwise your boy seems to be telling you he has more in him! It is a hard journey I know. You'll have tons of support here!
  8. I've been feeding Orijen for along time now And have been consistently happy with it. It is expensive but on the other hand, I use less of it than the foods I used before. I also feed some raw. I initially changed cause I could really see no good reason for a dog to eat grain and then with the Chinese contamination issues, I was happy to know it was a "home" made food.
  9. I know the hole she has left behind is huge. I'm so sorry. I hope the water is fine Rose!
  10. I hope Miss Ekko is doing alright Claudia! We'll for sure keep her in our thoughts!!
  11. I Have all the normal bloodwork values. That wasn't really the issue. It was converting the units of measure used by our lab to those used by American labs. But thanks it is a huge relief to know all is well with Jonah.
  12. Jonah's specific gravity was VERY normal!! So the other two were greyhound normal :colgate
  13. So Jonah had blood work today just to get a baseline for my new 10 year old boy. His Creatinine and BUN were high. We are going to do a specific gravity tomorrow. However can anyone tell me how off they are? creatinine - 160 umol/L normal values : 27 - 124 BUN - 9.1 mmol/L normal value : 2.5 - 8.9 Thanks in advance.
  14. After a very long career at an obscure track in Canada, Mr. President, ie Bill, went to his "forever" home with his new dad. Two years later and dad had a new wife with two kids and then a new baby , 10 year old Bill was returned because he was blind, deaf, and was snapping at the kids. This just tore out my heart. He was close to the age my Jack would have been and who I would give anything to still have with me. But they discarded him like unwanted garbage. I told Deb of djsgreys that he needed to come home to me. She said,and he's black too! Well clearly it was meant to be!! After a long and worrisome wait for him to be surrendered, back he came to the group. Oh and guess what? He is neither blind or deaf and is a total cuddlebug. He has no space issues at all and although he barks with a ridiculously hi pitched bark, he loves everyone. Since Bill was not a successful name for him, he is now Jonah and knows his name perfectly. He is a wee man, only 66 pounds and about Jilly's size. When he is enraptured in the midst of cuddles, his tail goes right up to his belly and the tip wags away. Just too funny and so sweet. He went to his first fun run yesterday and outran all the youngsters! My "decrepit" old man . From the side my breath catches because he looks exactly like my angel Jack. From the front he is his own sweet self. With Jilly. Clearly stressed Sharing secrets with Jilly Home at last! For those of you who shared the fun of his homecoming by watching his emerging from the lake siggies, GeorgeofNE's mom Susan, was the creative mastermind of his many disguises. Thanks Deb for allowing me to be his real forever mum!! You are home now little man, I promise.
  15. How shocking and heartbreaking for you. I am so very sorry.
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