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Everything posted by gryhndsr4us

  1. Dreamy is at the vet today. She is having intermittent issues with her left side. At times she is fine, then she will drag both front and back legs on her left side. She doesn't seem to be in pain, just unable to fully control both legs. Has anyone seen anything like this? She's home with pred and tramadol. They found a questionable area on her spine. We will hope the pred and tramadol will work. No zoomies in the yard March 25th Dreamy is doing much better! No left side dragging yesterday at all. None this morning on her potty walks.
  2. When my cat Neko was on chemo, my vet felt his immune system was too compromised to have any vaccines. Neko was on Leukeran also.
  3. Thank you for making this list. Sadly my Gypsy is the first one on the list.
  4. A year has passed since you went to the bridge to be with Clark. I miss you my sweet angel. You were such a special girl. When we brought you home you helped Clark become more outgoing. It was hard to believe how shy he was before you came into our lives. The two of you were so close and always cuddling. When we had to let Clark go to the bridge you helped us pick out Sneakers and he helped you with your grief. A year ago today you were silly and goofy in the snow. You had me laughing and smiling as I left for work. I was so shocked when your Daddy called to tell me you had passed peacefully in your sleep. Then this April on the 2 yearanniversaryy of Clark's passing you two sent us another goofy little girl. Thank you for sending Sky to us. I miss you so much my sweet girl!
  5. I was told to use ice packs on my angel Gypsy after she had several extractions if she would tolerate them. Her swelling was really bad, she seemed to like the ice packs. Either that or the ear rubbies that went with them. Swelling was greatly reduced two days later. This is the morning after the dental.
  6. We have the these also. I ask to have mine made without the D ring and they make them no problem. My bridge girl got her dewclaw caught in the D ring of a collar and broke it before we could help her ( we were home when it happened), so nothing with a D ring here. I have both home phone an cell phone numbers on the collars, no tags.
  7. Oh Sarah!!! I'm so sorry! Your precious girl is running free with the other angels. I'm sure my Clark and Gypsy gave her a wonderful welcome.
  8. I'm so sorry for your loss. Heart was a lucky girl to find such a loving home.
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