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Everything posted by macoduck

  1. In this thread I am posting the beautiful greyhounds who left us in March 2009. I'll start a new thread for each month in 2009. If want to add a name for a March loss, please do so. If you prefer not to have your angel listed, let me know and I will delete. If I have made an error in listing an angel, please let me know. Gone but never forgotten. Loved forever. Run free with those who have gone before you. Greet all those that will follow. Suenos Bubba Nomad Phoenix Eva Ecstasy Bullet Polli Boomer Buddy Raven Lewis Willow Isis Caesar Bodhi Mac Knobby Angel Fly Sami Bugsy Galloway Maryville Valentino Canasta Romeo Mickey Deez Al
  2. In this thread I am posting the beautiful greyhounds who left us in February 2009. I'll start a new thread for each month in 2009. If want to add a name for a February loss, please do so. If you prefer not to have your angel listed, let me know and I will delete. If I have made an error in listing an angel, please let me know. Gone but never forgotten. Loved forever. Run free with those who have gone before you. Greet all those that will follow. Sunny Dumplin Holly Nero Bonnie Twist Stepper Ranger Jack Nicky Tasha Sammy Nadia Trillian Caesar Ro Savannah Gidget Coach Cairo Belle Tilly Gidge Tanner Lulu Cricket Wendel Daphne Goghbaby Okie Loralee Clandro Maxx Mr. Boo Mouse Carrie Karson Shuggie Aideene Tango Nodak Eddie Belle Seamus
  3. I usually post all the names of our new angels at the closing of each year. In this thread I am posting the beautiful greyhounds who left us in January 2009. I'll start a new thread for each month in 2009. If want to add a name for a January loss, please do so. If you prefer not to have your angel listed, let me know and I will delete. If I have made an error in listing an angel, please let me know. Gone but never forgotten. Loved forever. Run free with those who have gone before you. Greet all those that will follow. Pumpkin Davis Annie Mg Mr. G Smiley Hermoine Morgan Festus Klem Harmony Hayley Ember "General" Seminole Demas Scotty Dowland Rocky Bethany Jock Mason Pokey Dot Tango Elwood Phantom Koal M's Geisha Girl Mack
  4. I'm a worrier about dentals too. Now take a big deep breath in and envision your grey's sparkly clean teeth and big smile.
  5. Lipoma or lymphoma? Big difference. I googled limpoma and most references switched to lipoma. Several of my dogs have had lipomas over the years, most no bigger than a quarter. My vet evaluates them and if anything look siffy about them he removes them. Mostly he opts to leave them alone. Our first non-grey did get a lipoma near her groin at the curve of her hip. It grew fast and big to the size of a tennis ball. This was removed and had "tentacles" that were becoming invasive into her abdomen. While benign we had to get it out before it put pressure or strangled organs in her abdomen. Easy surgery with no complications. Comet's lymphoma popped up overnight on his throat and he was gone in 2 weeks. Are the lumps on that dog at the skin surface? Hard or mushy? Popping up overnight? No real change in skin coloring of the lump vs surrounding tissue?
  6. Oh no not Alan! Oh Susan I am so sorry. I know of several dogs that had hemangiosarcoma and they left in the blink of an eye. There was nothing you could have done. Alan knows how much you loved him.
  7. Did you check his feet for corns?
  8. macoduck

    Sandhill Fifi

    I believe I met your Fifi once in Wilmington with her foster folks. Such a pretty girl. I am so sorry for your loss.
  9. Gracie's girlie parts were large when we got her, but within a few months were back to normal size.
  10. Goodbye Toby. You were so handsome and brought joy to many.
  11. How is Diamond today? I'm getting worried since we haven't heard any updates.
  12. Thane is getting his thyroid tested tomorrow. I too asked about fasting/non-fasting. Since he is not on any thyroid medication my vet said he is to be fasting but can have water. There is a different protocol if the dog is already on thyroid meds.
  13. Oops, I meant to respond to you and Pam earlier. Some, but certainly not all of my dogs, have gotten very mild gastritis after eating cooked ham. I chalk it up to my DH giving them the fatty end pieces rather than the leaner and in giving them too much.
  14. Sounds like severe gastritis maybe. How is Fenway's water intake? Since this has been going on since Wednesday I'd be very worried about dehydration. Sometimes we never know what starts these events, but a dog can crash quickly if too dehydrated.
  15. I'm preparing a safety list for Easter. What else could be added to this list? Have any answers to these questions? No chocolate. HOw bad would jelly beans be on a dog? Keep all candies out of reach. Would the foil on a candy wrapped pass through a dog's system? Am I correct in thinking that the plastic "grass" in an Easter basket could harm a dog's bowels like tinsel could? Hard boiled eggs are OK. Accidentally eaten shells OK? What about dyed eggs? I presume they should be safe since dyes are kid-safe. Door and gate safety as company comes/goes. Children's stuffed animals - are plastic eyes or other plastic parts a hazard? Dogs shouldn't be fed ham, especially the fatty pieces. Hazards of hiding Easter baskets inside the house or outside.
  16. One of the searches here on Vectra may have been mine. A friend's dog nearly died from it and poor care at Banfield at Petsmart. The only prescription flea control product they are dispensing here is the Vectra. Both my regular vet and the ER vet want absolutely nothing to do with it. They both firmly believe to Banfield it's a sweet money deal with the manufacturer. There are better, safer products out there.
  17. Our Petsmart requires you to bring a shot record on the first visit. Then because they can never find us in the computer, I bring the records any time I go.
  18. That was very generous of your dogsitter to pay the bill. Maybe you could wait to see how Tuna heals up and your adrenalin calms down before you make any decisions. A gift certificate would be nice especially if she does the followup vet visits for you.
  19. macoduck

    My Sweet Belle

    Such a beautiful girl your Belle was.
  20. Sweet Isis, gatekeeper at the Magic Foster House, now gatekeeper at the Bridge. I'm sure she'll be showing future Bridge-kids the ropes up there as well.
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