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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. So frustrating not to know the cause. Sending good thoughts that, whatever it is, it finishes its course quickly. Please give Jake a gentle hug from me.
  2. I am so sorry for your loss. Run with the angels Sammy.
  3. Sending prayers of healing and comfort.
  4. What an awful shock for Raymond's family. My heartfelt condolences to them at the loss of their beloved boy.
  5. Nicole, I am so sorry for your loss of Jack, now a new star, twinkling down on you.
  6. Vet just called. The skin scraping was negative and the vet thinks the area looks better than it did, so we are not going to biopsy it and I'll just keep an eye on it.
  7. Those last pictures are a sight to behold, and make a heart very glad !!
  8. Prayers they find whatever is wrong with Raymond, and that it's easily fixed.
  9. Rickie has 2 black small mole-like bumps - 1/4 inch or less in diameter, one on his bum, one on his chest, other side. It was needle-biopsied a couple of weeks ago and the cells came back "consistent with a cyst" but I don't like the look of it or the fact that he has two, so they are going to come off. It's too soon to say about recurring infections, but to date he doesn't have any sort of pattern / ongoing problem that way. Rickie was on Antirobe for 18 days and also on Baytril for the first 4 of those days (emergency clinic put him on both for his foot, my regular clinic discontinued the Baytril). He finished the Antirobe on Thursday. The hair loss developed while Rickie was still on antibiotics. I was away for 5 days and noticed the hair loss when I returned on Monday evening - the area has doubled or more in size since then. I thought at first it was licking but surprisingly (to me) it doesn't seem to bother him. My husband worked from home while I was away and I have been absent before without issue, so I don't think it's stress-related. The foot infection was very bad (it went from no outward sign in the AM to swelling heading up the leg and toes leaking blood within 15h) and the toe where it seems to have started eventually lost skin on each side and the black pad tissue on the bottom. That is still healing though it looks much better. It is the aggressiveness of that infection that makes me wonder if this is somehow related. It will be very interesting to see what the tests on Monday show. (The foot infection wasn't cultured - the foot was so swollen and sore the vet didn't want to stick a needle into it.) It will be very interesting to see what the tests show on Monday (or later if they end up having to send a sample out).
  10. Hair is coming out in small clumps on the left side of Rickie's chest. There is an irregular bald patch about two inches wide and 5 inches long that is gradually increasing in size. He has to go in for punch biopsies for a couple of unrelated and not close bumps on Monday and the vet will likely biopsy this area too (have asked them to do a skin scraping and look at that first). Given the time proximity and the fact this is happening on the same side as the infection he had some weeks ago, it seems to me this is somehow related to the infection, but my vet is not convinced given the distance between chest and foot. My questions are: - has anyone had fur just start to drop like this (ignoring the usual butt baldness) and if so, what was the cause, and - has anyone had something like this happen following an aggressive infection. Thank you for your thoughts and experiences.
  11. I am so sorry for your loss of such a special girl.
  12. I'm so sorry for the loss of your very loved boy.
  13. Great news!! Hopefully Peace has turned the corner and will continue to heal without further complications.
  14. Checking in for an update too.
  15. I am so sorry. Such a nasty, invasive cancer.
  16. Peace has one issue for sure, and a second maybe. The primary issue is that she is showing escalating signs of infection. The second is that she may be having a drug reaction, however, in view of the definite and increasing signs of infection following surgery, it is impossible to evaluate from a distance whether her current unease is pain or drug-induced. And regardless, the escalating infection needs to be addressed as an immediate risk. Not disagreeing with any thoughts, just wanting to ensure the OP remains focused on the very concerning primary issue.
  17. Adding my vote for getting Peace into OSU right away, vs. waiting for Thursday. Please give her a hug for me.
  18. Good day indeed - sounds like the stuff of celebration to me! Rest well Sophie, and your worried mom too!
  19. No experiences to share but definitely sending prayers.
  20. Will be watching for an update later today, and in the meantime, will be sending good thoughts for your pretty girl.
  21. How is Peace this evening? It may be early for the additional antibiotics to kick in, but hopefully the pain meds at least are bringing her some relief and perhaps reducing her inclination to lick. You have both been much on my mind - hope you and Peace were able to rest today. Arlie sends gentle nose dabs to her look-alike friend.
  22. Sweet Polli. Many here miss her sweet face.
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