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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Think there has been a big collective sigh of relief! Feel all better soon Do Bee!
  2. Do Bee, show the vets you're just fine. Then when you get home, make it clear you'll never be the same again unless everyone pulls out all the stops spoiling you to take your mind off things.
  3. What a beautiful boy. I am so sorry for your loss.
  4. If you go the vaseline route, you can get the type that is petroleum free. I agree with others about bag balm though.
  5. What a sweet, quirky, wonderful hound. Ducky I am so so sorry.
  6. Judy no one is more caring. Whatever happened, you couldn't have known, and whatever it was is over, and Beanie is at peace. Please forgive yourself. I am going to light a candle for your sweetheart right now.
  7. I think the potential for testing for markers and developing treatments is very exciting, and will apply not only to our hounds, but to people as well, making it doubly important.
  8. Tuna eaten in quantity, at least by people, can cause mercury poisoning related problems. Not sure what the consequences would be with dogs given the shorter lifespan, but something to consider.
  9. Not the news anyone was hoping for. Shower love on your little guy from all of us.
  10. I cannot even imagine the shock and the heartbreak. My heart, and as you have read, so many others, joins yours in disbelief, mourning and love. May peace find you and help you through this tragic time.
  11. I did a quick Google search and although I was originally under the impression the Interceptor availability date was early 2013 it looks like there is no definitive date yet. Does anyone have more precise information? Is it possible to get Interceptor from another source (like Australia)? I like this product a lot because it is so safe and in a decade or more (can't recall) of using it have never had any issue, so I am not very receptive to a change. Thank you for any information that may help. Apr 4 update: My vet now has Interceptor in stock. Not in the size I need for the greyhounds, so one of the techs was going to check with their sister clinics to see if they had it. I got the impression there was an issue with ordering more and I will look into that when we are back this afternoon. I don't know if that has to do with limited supplies or with their ordering process. Certainly in the past they've been able to just order what I needed.
  12. Reading this brought tears to my eyes. I hope Chevy will be OK once his wounds are looked after. And I hope as soon as you are able that you report this to Animal Control, especially if you know who owns the dogs or where they live. Any loose dog is a potential risk, but allowing 3 loose together is asking for trouble. If either of you (persons) was bitten you might also be able to contact the police.
  13. Hopefully they will be able to admit Neko tomorrow, and give him supportive care while working toward a definitive diagnosis. We are hoping and praying for your boy.
  14. I've only skimmed the responses but I agree with those who say your hound should be in professional care. Where are you located? Perhaps people will have suggestions of where to go tomorrow when most clinics will be open. ETA - just saw you are in active touch with OSU. Thank goodness!
  15. Judy this may or may not help - when I was taking Arlie for pamidronate treatments she would get very anxious in the waiting room. So I arranged with the oncologist that we would wait in the car, and she would call my cell when they were all ready for her. I would take her in, they would whisk her back, and that was that. She was still somewhat stressed but avoiding the waiting room really helped her. Of course each situation and hound is different but thought I'd mention it.
  16. That is a truly darling picture. So glad Jabari is doing well. Fingers crossed the next round of tests will confirm it!
  17. Angel Arlie had a patch of blackheads. Like the previous poster I used witch hazel and gradually they cleared up.
  18. Thanks everyone - awesome ideas. We went with drawstring pajama bottoms and Jeff is not amused, but they are taking his mind off his troubles. Left alone the abrasion, which is very superficial, is healing nicely. Thank you again for the ideas - I was definitely not thinking very creatively, but this thread has shown there are so many options! Sidebar: When I was shopping I saw boxers with PacMan type smiley faces. I was soooooooooooo tempted, but they were pricey!
  19. Judy this is not how it should be turning out. I am so sorry. Gentle hugs to you and to Beanie.
  20. If only Jabari knew how many hugs and kisses have been sent his way from everyone here - you will just have to deliver them
  21. Watching and hoping for improved results today
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