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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. Bonnie I am so sorry. I think that maybe Pudding knew she was needed and went to be with her Daddy. Godspeed Pudding.
  2. What a beautiful sweet boy. I am so sorry for your loss. Run with all the other angels Kavana.
  3. I am so, so sorry. Cin Cin was such a precious baby and it is obvious from the pictures that she was loved and was happy with you. Cin Cin has lots of moms at the Bridge to watch out for her. Run like the wind sweet baby girl .
  4. I am so sorry for your loss. I believe Link was just trying to say he was tired and weary and was ready to leave. Godspeed Link.
  5. I remember when this happened. Very tragic. No negotiation should be needed. He either cares enough about you to respect your wishes for your dog's needs or he doesn't. It's literally a matter of life or death.
  6. Is she on a special diet? If not you could try changing the protein source in the food. If on lamb try the same food but the chicken formula, etc. The gas eruptions from my puppers have always been made better by diet change. Since they have been on raw they rarely have any gas, but some kibbles used to cause paint peeling gas.
  7. Just checking to see if you have heard anything, and hoping when you do hear, it is only good news for Goods.
  8. Sending prayers and gentle ear scritches for Roo.
  9. Can you tell if his skin is looking pinker? My Lucy had food allergies and she would really chew at herself and her skin would be really pink.
  10. Hubby is an expert with Photoshop...but I SWEAR, this is real!!! Here's her cute face: OK, now I want pictures! It might be hard to tell from the pics, but it's really not on her "butt" but her tail! She is beautiful.
  11. Sending prayers and gentle ear scritches for Memphis.
  12. She is probably not getting enough food to generate the output you are used to seeing.Also it takes a lot of chicken and pasta to make up the calories she needs. It sounds like the kibble you have tried to feed her is not agreeing with her tummy. You might want to think about looking for a different kibble.
  13. Shelia I am so sorry your Natasha is gone. I didn't know until I saw this poll. I think I would rather know. It's never going to make it easier, but at least you would have those last few days to cherish. When my hearthound Molly went, it was very sudden, from one day to the next. Molly had cancer, but not osteo, her cancer wasn't what took her, a stroke did. Molly was 12 years 10 months. Maggie also went suddenly, from a stroke. Maggie had been diagnosed with cancer, also not osteo, but she was doing well, then suddenly she wasn't. Maggie was 11. Casey went down very quickly too, and there were so many things we didn't know then that we wish we would have. We were ignorant about so many things as was our then vet. If only we had known about tick diseases. If only we had known....something, anything. Casey was our first greyhound and we let him down due to not knowing. We will never know what took Casey, but I will never stop wondering. Casey was only 8 and was DH's hearthound. Charlie had osteo. Diagnosis to the Bridge was only about two weeks. Charlie was only 6. So yes I guess I would prefer to know. You can never prepare but you can maybe not have some of the regrets.
  14. Greytlady94

    Wyco Joni

    I am so sorry. It never gets any easier.
  15. Greytlady94


    What a beautiful angel.
  16. Greytlady94

    Oshkosh Ed

    I am so sorry. Run like the wind Ed with all the other grey angels.
  17. Greytlady94


    Shelia, I am so sorry. I didn't know you had lost Natashia until I saw you poll. Sending prayers for comfort in this sad time.
  18. Poor Monty, he is really having a bad time. I hope the tests, cultures, etc. reveal what the problems are so he can be properly treated. I would ask Monty's vet to consult with Dr. Couto at OSU. OSU has a lot going on with greyhound health and wellness and they may have seen something like this before, or done studies on antibiotic resistant infections. http://www.vet.ohio-state.edu/1872.htm web site greyosu@osu.edu e-mail C. Guillermo Couto couto.1@osu.edu (614)292-3551 (614)292-6464 to fax test results
  19. Lucy doesn't Renie and Teddy do.
  20. It looks really good considering what the before picture was. I second the t-shirt idea, I use a large or extra large t-shirt and cut straight up the back about half way and then you can tie those ends up to keep the shirt up close to his body.
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