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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. I agree with Silverfish. If your vet is not familiar with pemphigus I would ask for a referral and take Elmo to a specialty clinic.
  2. Sending good thoughts and prayers for Lola.
  3. Heartfelt sympathy to Joan. Run with all the other angels Duchess.
  4. I understand how scary this is. Maybe someone else will weigh in on this...but I'm wondering if it would be best to not give the Rimadyl so as not to mask the pain for the vet visit. My Lucy has gone in three different times over the last 3 or 4 years for exams and x-rays when she has suddenly come up limping. Fortunately it has not been c and after a few days she is fine again. I do give all three Fresh Factors and Joint Health from Springtime.
  5. 25 mg is also the dosage I have used for greyhounds.
  6. That is a very reasonable cost for all of that work. Hope Missy has an uneventful recovery.
  7. This really made me smile. What a sweet boy. Prayers for Isaac to have many more happy days. Thank you fpr posting Isaac's stew recipe. I copied it because you just never know.
  8. My greys also get Fresh Factors and Joint Health (from Springtime) every day.
  9. Sending gentle ear scritches for Fritz and hope to hear next week that exam and bloodwork is all good. I would have them also do a urinalysis.
  10. Did you just adopt her? If so check with the adoption group to see if they have had a dental done on her since a lot of groups do that as part of the pre-adoption vet work. Greyhounds can have not so great mouths, however not all of them have bad teeth. I would make sure this particular vet has other greyhound patients as there are some differences in how greyhounds are handled with anesthesia, the vet needs to not be using older anesthesias. There are also differences in the "normals" in greyhound blood work versus dog blood work. A few of informative greyhound web pages... http://www.animalmedicalcentreofmedina.com/library.htm http://www.vet.ohio-state.edu/2098.htm http://www.greyhound-data.com/dir/444/Demy..._Anesthesia.pdf http://www.vet.ohio-state.edu/2376.htm http://www.adopt-a-greyhound.org/advice/dental.html
  11. My first thought was stomach and I see Diane has the same thought. The difference in my dog's breath now as opposed to when they were on kibble is amazing.
  12. Ahhh Flint it really sucks to have a toothache. I hope he feels better soon.
  13. You did the right things when you got home, and now you know. We know to not go out when there are going to be fireworks but we can't always be home for thunderstorms. The very best thing I have found for our thunderphobic greyhounds is the canine lullaby cd. They will start calming within a couple of minutes of the cd starting and you can see their breathing slow down, the panting stop and they lay down and go to sleep. This cd is priceless to me, so much so that I ordered a back-up just in case. When thunderstorms are forecast and I must leave the house I put the cd on for them instead of their usual radio station. http://www.caninelullabies.com/index.php?c...mp;pr=PressRoom
  14. I agree with Batmom. Actually I am so safety-anal I would put a gate at the bottom and another at the top. That way no one would have to remember to carry the gate up or down.
  15. I am so sorry....sending prayers and gentle ear scritches for Rusty.
  16. I'll never forget Iberia. Happy Birthday Iberia.
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