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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. It's my understanding that any artificial sweetener is poisonous to dogs. Not too good for us either. (Although I do have to have my one Diet Coke every morning.)
  2. Mine get one 1000mg fish oil cap plus one vitamin E cap each per day.
  3. Poor Humphrey, what a scare that must have been. I'm so glad that his surgery is over, it sounds like the vet did all the right things. Sending prayers for good healing.
  4. I am so happy to hear that Rickie is enjoying his life, that is the most important thing. You have made a good decision for Rickie. Dogs live in the here and now, they know what is happening, and how they feel, this moment. They are blessed that they do not have to worry about what may or may not happen. Sending gentle ear scritches to Rickie.
  5. Just to be on the safe side I would have the vet check the spot out.
  6. Writing an article for CG is a wonderful idea! There are likely many greyhound adopters that are not aware of the effects of heat on their hounds, how quickly it can take them down.
  7. What a sweetie he does look quite comfy at home. When you go grocery shopping maybe get him a roasted chicken (to debone) and some ground round to boil and then mix in some taters. I would offer him food every hour or two. So glad he is home and doing so well.
  8. Changing Lucy to raw took care of her food allergies.
  9. I think I would do allergy testing. Just thinking that in addition to the thyroid and hair folicle problems, he might also have some allergies, either food or environmental. My girl Lucy has food allergies that affect her skin.
  10. Very sad. I've known about this for years, and I'm not sure where I learned it from originally.
  11. First, feeding her four cups at one time is really not the best thing to do for her. It will be healthier for her if you feed 2 cups twice daily. Don't cut back on the amount total per day until you see how she does, meaning if she loses weight or gains too much on the four cups. Dogs are like people, four cups may make one dog porky while another dog may stay rail thin on that amount. It also depends on what food you are feeding. The calories differ from one food to another. I can feed my 90 pound male the same as my 65 pound female and she doesn't gain and he doesn't lose (weight). No exercise means just that, especially in summer where they heat up very quickly. No walks other then short (10-15 minutes) walks to potty, no running zoomies. Now that the business is over...pictures?
  12. Even though the drops have already made a difference I would still want him seen by an opthamologist. They have the equipment and training for eye issues that most vets just don't have since they deal with the whole body. The opthamologist that has seen my greys gives them a more thorough eye exam then I get when I go to an eye doctor. Pannus is not uncommon in greyhounds and is generally well controlled with medication.
  13. I am so happy for you, Penny is an amazing girl.
  14. Alan is amazing!! In the first video he looks like he is worried but in the second one he looks so proud and like he is smiling.
  15. I am so sorry. Sending gentle ear scritches for Yuri.
  16. I am so happy to see that Rusty is home! Sending gentle ear scritches and lots of healing thoughts to Rusty.
  17. Fresh Factors and Joint Health may help Cali a whole lot. They are available from Springtime http://www.springtimeinc.com/product/88/2 PPA for incontinence works very well and sometimes all it takes is a real low dose. My girl Maggie was on PPA for incontinence for 5 or 6 years with no problems.
  18. Waggin' tails are good. Prayers continue for Rusty.
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