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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. Good to hear Jane is better and hope she continues to get stronger.
  2. No experience with doggy sinus problems, just allergies. I hope Flint is better soon.
  3. I would follow Batmom's advice. As for food, I would go really simple, one protein one carb. Either lamb, beef, pork, turkey or chicken and one carb, pasta or very well cooked rice.She may have had this problem for a while so it will take a while to get past it. She is such a sweet girlie, I hope her tummy is feeling better soon.
  4. Enjoy your time with him, take pictures, cuddle if he likes to cuddle, give him whatever he wants to eat, and just make it the best time, one hour at a time, one day at a time. Remember that our fur kids are blessed to only know the here and now, they do not think about an hour from now, tomorrow, next week or next month. They only think about right now. Sending prayers.
  5. I'm so glad she is home!! My Renie had to wear an e-collar for three weeks after a surgery and she of course hated it. I attached to her tag collar. For Renie, once she felt like eating, I took the collar off of her so she could eat (supervised of course) and then put it back on as soon as she finished her meal.
  6. You might find this article helpful. http://home.comcast.net/~greyhndz/hypothyroid.htm I would print it out to discuss with your veterinarian.
  7. I am so sorry. Sending prayers for Nate. Is he at a specialist hospital?
  8. Mine get a turkey neck every day.
  9. I am so, so happy that Penney is home! Peeing is good, means her kidneys are working. For her to be able to come home is a huge improvment. Prayers will continue for Penney to get stronger every day.
  10. If the taters worked, then more taters tomorrow. No way to predict at this point, but for him to eat, if he can just keep it down that is a big step forward. Something I have hand fed to more then one sick pupper, vanilla yogurt with Rice Krispies mixed in, fed by fingers. Sending prayers for Rusty.
  11. I'm so glad you are finally getting some answers for Oscar. Sending prayers.
  12. Sending prayers for Lola's surgery tomorrow.
  13. Sending prayers for Rusty. Listen to your gut instinct. If you feel you can take care of him, he may be better off at home. If the stomach issue can be resolved he will eat. Another one to try is Hill's AD, it is a prescription food and the vet's office probably has it.
  14. Prayers that Penney will be the miracle girl, come on Penney we are all praying for you baby girl.
  15. That's probably a really good idea. Area rugs to make her pathways would help a lot too.
  16. As Batmom said, when you need to use it I would start with 25mg of plain Benadryl, you can always increase to 50mg if need be.
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