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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. I am so sorry, what a beautiful girl. Godspeed, run free with all the angels Autumn.
  2. I am so sorry. Run with all the angels sweet girl.
  3. Greytlady94


    I am so sorry. Godspeed Caesar.
  4. I am so sorry. Run with all the angels sweet Della.
  5. Check with the vet clinic and see if they have other greyhound patients and if not I would be looking for a veternarian who is familiar with greyhounds. Your post doesn't show where you are...there may be someone on Greytalk who can refer you to a good greyhound savvy vet. In the meantime read, read, read and educate yourself on the differences in greyhounds and dogs. It sounds like you already are getting a good start.
  6. I'll be the minority here. If the cost is something you can handle, I would do the root canal. If the cost is prohibitive, then that makes the decision easy.
  7. I would check with your vet first. Melatonin has been used for a very light sedative in dogs for thunderphobia and separation anxiety.
  8. I am so sorry, sending prayers and gentle ear scritches for Autumn.
  9. I give 25mg of adult Benadryl, but that is plain adult, pink tablet, Benadryl. I tend to see how the lower dosage does first. med conversions
  10. Welcome to Greytalk. As others have said, get a copy of the actual lab results, but keep in mind that any notes or references to the numbers on those results will be "dog" not greyhound. I would very quickly find a good greyhound vet and make an appointment for your girl and bring in all test results for a second opinion. As many greyhounds as there are in California it shouldn't be hard to find a good vet, consult with the group you adopted from. Continue to give the antibiotics until they are all gone. Two weeks after the antibiotics are complete have her urine re-tested. UTI's are not that uncommon and I would prefer to err on the side of caution. Having complete bloodwork done on an 8 year old annually is totally appropriate. Not knowing what all was done for the $377. it isn't possible for any of us to comment on you being taken advantage of (or not), plus prices vary widely throughout the US. Check these links out for greyhound recommended vets in California, hopefully one will be near you. Greyhound Connection Greyhound Adoption California
  11. His eye area looks really good! Sending good thoughts for an uneventful recovery.
  12. I would also suspect his throat may be sore, in addition his whole body is now having to "shift" somewhat when he walks, stands, lays down, gets up, etc. Is he being seen by a veterinary chiropractor? Just thinking that may help. Continued prayers for Bodie.
  13. Prayers for a good report. Sending gentle ear scritches to Scooter.
  14. Compazine by mouth is sometimes used in place of Reglan but in severe nausea and vomiting sometimes a Reglan injection works better.
  15. I have a comprehensive blood panel and urinalysis done annually up to the age of seven, and every 6 months from seven on. In addition they have a stool sample tested. Is there a medical reason for the senior food? Senior food generally doesn't have enough protein or fat. I totally agree with ditching the Pupperonis and Beggin Strips. I would prefer to spend the money on a good diet and not on "junk food".
  16. Nichole I am so sorry. Godspeed Artemis, my angelgreys will help you settle in. Send your mommy a sign that you are ok.
  17. I am so sorry. Run with all the angels Starry.
  18. As soon as our Vet returns we will have him do further tests (tracheal wash?) to see if it is viral or bacterial. Yes, her x-rays were sent to a cardiologist for a second opinion. Sending prayers and gentle ear scritches for Sally.
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