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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. Was there any determination of if it is viral or bacterial? Has a cardiologist reviewed the x-rays?
  2. You are doing absolutely the right thing by taking Jake to the vet for a full check up. In addition to the urinalysis I would also request a comprehensive senior blood panel and a thyroid panel. This is something I have done annually until age 7, and every six months thereafter. Perdnisolone is prescribed for pannus and if that is the problem with Jake's eyes, these drops should keep it under control. I also would recommend taking Jake to an eye specialist. As Lynn said it It could be lots of things... or nothing.
  3. Sure sounds like an allergy or sensitivity to something. Some possibilities are the grass, carpet, carpet cleaners, detergent used to wash bedding. You can try the Benadryl tablets and Cortaid as suggested, also try to put a large towel down on the grass where he is going to eat his raw.
  4. The only teeth extractions we have had were molars and the gums were not stitched.
  5. That must have been really scary, I'm glad she is ok. I agree, whole, raw turkey necks are great for helping to keep their teeth clean.
  6. If this was my dog I would take him for a vet check up.
  7. Sending prayers for Bodie's recovery. I also wonder if he is having nerve pain, it would be good to discuss this with Bodie's doctors. If you have a Costco near you they sell 2 1/2 inch memory foam pads that are wonderful. One for a full size bed could be cut to fit the van, and put in layers.
  8. I would start with a lower dosage, then adjust as needed.
  9. From Dr. Feeman's web site http://www.animalmedicalcentreofmedina.com...0Anesthesia.pdf They will be fine.
  10. I am so sorry. Run with all the angels Oscar.
  11. Some good foods....baked chicken, boiled hamburger, tender roast beef, meatloaf made with ground meat, oatmeal, eggs, etc. You can also add potatoes, pasta, rice. The main thing is to give her yummy foods that she will like.
  12. Pannus is usually easily controlled. One of the better diagnoses.
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