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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. The picture looks like a bruise/bleeding under the skin, to me. I'm sure you will get lots of responses.....mine is that if he were my dog I would take him to the vet. I don't like unknowns.
  2. Stephanie that is so beautiful, what a lovely tribute to Whistler.
  3. I already emailed him, thank you. I had contacted him two days ago and he agreed to look at the numbers when I got the fax. I have not yet heard from him. BTW I know the general GT'er is not a vet, however many on GT have had dogs with hypothyroid and so I posted the numbers for those folks who can compare their dogs' test results and treatment. That's great that you have already contacted him. I have a hypothyroid grey who has been on thyroid meds for years, but I wouldn't feel comfortable trying to interpret someone elses dog's numbers. No offense intended. I hope your Monty does very well. Thank you, how long did it take for the vet to get the right med dosage? Is your dog on a steady dose? How often do you need follow up blood tests for thyroid levels? thanks! Karen Renie was started on a fairly low dosage Soloxine .6mg and it has never needed to be increased. We do complete bloodwork every 6 months, but for the first 6 months we checked very often, I believe it was monthly.
  4. With bacteria and blood cells she probably does have an infection, but it should be cleared up with antibiotics. Poor girly, those UTI's aren't any fun.
  5. If there is I think I need some of it.
  6. I already emailed him, thank you. I had contacted him two days ago and he agreed to look at the numbers when I got the fax. I have not yet heard from him. BTW I know the general GT'er is not a vet, however many on GT have had dogs with hypothyroid and so I posted the numbers for those folks who can compare their dogs' test results and treatment. That's great that you have already contacted him. I have a hypothyroid grey who has been on thyroid meds for years, but I wouldn't feel comfortable trying to interpret someone elses dog's numbers. No offense intended. I hope your Monty does very well.
  7. I suggest e-mailing Dr. Feeman through Greytalk with the results you have posted. He is a veterinarian, and we aren't. Dr. Feeman
  8. I know it is hard but try to not think the worst, not all cancers metastasize. Sending prayers.
  9. The best way I can explain is that without knowing except by instinct, she is trying to vomit for some reason. Something has her tummy really messed up. I would go outside and also in the house to see if you can tell what she may have been eating on or chewing on. With such an extreme amount of grass eating and drinking I would probably help the process a bit with some hydrogen peroxide. Edited to add...don't do this without checking with your vet or an ER clinic.
  10. Prayers for no more problems for Roo.
  11. The first vet sounds rather dismissive, hope the new one will be more thorough.
  12. Sending good thoughts and gentle ear scrithes to Ember.
  13. I would avoid the pool altogether. You really can't control water drinking if the dog is in the water. This can be a nasty infection. It is in public pools due in part to small children in "swim diapers" being taken in the pool. This is why I never go in a public pool of anywhere. It takes diligence to keep a pool clean.
  14. This surely sounds like something is going on, hope the vet will run a comprehensive blood panel and do a very thorough exam.
  15. Looking at the top photo, does anyone else think that second toe from the left looks broken, out of joint or something? Poor baby, it must be miserable for her trying to walk on those toes. I would be concerned that with her walk being off it might cause additional joint problems.
  16. Yes, dogs can get this too. This is caused by fecal matter in the pool. linky another linky
  17. Mine get Joint Health and Fresh Factors from Springtime, both are chewables. Joint Health
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