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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. Congratulations on your adoption of Presto. Since you are taking your boy to a vet who has his own greyhounds, he will likely make suggestions for this first exam. For my dog I would want a good physical including manipulation of joints, a fecal, urine test and baseline blood work.
  2. An Elizabethan collar would keep him from making it any worse.
  3. Glad the vet didn't find any thing else. Did he say to limit her activity to just leash walking? If the meds take away the pain she may try to over do it before she is healed.
  4. My Lucy has itchies and they were food related. Can also be from products like detergent used to wash beds, carpet cleaning products, yard products, etc.
  5. Front leg limps can also be from shoulder, neck or spine. I use the three day rule....dog limps, by third day we go to the vet.
  6. What we know we can deal with......I'm so glad you have an answer. Sending best wishes and gentle ear scritches to Memphis.
  7. Wonderful!! Finding out good news is so much better then the worrying.
  8. Just checking on your girl, I hope Lily is ok.
  9. Here is a turorial of sorts on worms. tutorial
  10. Sounds like a fire ant but then I really am not familiar with army ants.
  11. Poor baby, I am so glad he is feeling better.
  12. Poor baby, let us know what the vet says.
  13. Our Renie had this surgery several years ago and has done very well since, no problems at all in that area. I would suspect that the leaking you are seeing now is not related to the surgery Fiona had. I would have her urine checked for a UTI first. If no UTI then I would suspect she has spay incontinence which is not unusual and can generally be treated successfully. Our Bridge girl Maggie suddenly developed spay incontinence at about 8 and was prescribed a low dosage of PPA which took care of the incontinence. There are certainly more serious causes of urine leakage, but I would start with the simple ones. Obviously I'm not a vet, but just giving you our experience. Definitely.
  14. Greytlady94


    I am so sorry.
  15. so what kinda bones I want to get leo some but I am a vegie person and dont eat the meat! Large raw turkey necks are great for their teeth.
  16. As they get older I think that the simplest things make them just as happy as the long outings used to. So glad that it is just a cyst. Hope he is not too sore from sliding down the steps.
  17. Gurgling may be hunger, an empty stomach. Could it be that Sweet Pea is fed at an earlier time some days so her tummy is empty and gurgles? Try giving her a snack before bed, even just a slice of bread.
  18. canine proctologist? Greyhound Assologist.
  19. Wow, that is great!! I so wish we had Trader Joes here.
  20. I have never had a greyhound who did not have dentals.
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