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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. No symptoms other then being a little creaky or sore I would put them on glucosamine and chondrotin. This is what my three take daily. I've used these products for several years. Fresh Factors Joint Health
  2. Are either of them limping? If so, I would make a vet appointment. Limps at my house do mean going to the vet for a complete exam and x-ray(s).
  3. You have been very fortunate with Miles having no illness.
  4. I would not give anything since I wouldn't want to mask the symptoms prior to the vet seeing him. I go by the 3 day rule on limping. Sending good thoughts for Caden.
  5. Sending positive thoughts for Bodie to go to OSU Friday, and that your Dad feels better also. With all the exercise your Dad gets he may have been dehydrated, which can cause the symptoms of low blood pressure and an irregular heartbeat, so try not to worry. (I know, easier said then done). Sending prayers.
  6. Chancy's vet seems pretty responsive from what you have posted, so try to be upbeat with Chancy and patient with the meds. With a very low platelet count It does take a while, and that is what Chancy needs the Doxy for. Sending prayers.
  7. Since this poll was started almost 2 1/2 years ago it could be the numbers would differ some now due to additional/new posters etc. I think it's interesting that the percentage does not follow along with the percentage of dogs per color, so it would seem that genetics of both color and hypothyroid may be related? Greyhound Color Statistics Greyhound Colors & Statistics Brindle- 37.23 Black-18.08 Red- 15.97 Fawn- 5.74 White- .34 White & color- 18.76 Blue- 2.59 Color & white- 1.28
  8. Toasty is such a beautiful sweet boy and I hope he has many more good days with you. All he knows is the here and now and he knows he is loved.
  9. Greytlady94


    I am so sorry. What a sweet, sweet face...run with all the angels Clyde.
  10. I am so sorry. Godspeed Honey, run with all the angels.
  11. Sending prayers for Chancy. If it is ehrlichia the Doxy should start bringing her platelet count up pretty quickly.
  12. Sending prayers for Aidan. Has she been tested for TBD's? My Molly had seizures before she was diagnosed with ehrlichia. She never had another seizure after treatment.
  13. I am so sorry. Cocktail was so loved and cherished, and always remember that she knew that. Give your mom a sign Cocktail...and run with all the angels.
  14. I am so sorry. It is always so hard to lose them and when they are young it is even harder. Godspeed Chester, run with all the angels.
  15. Sending prayers for Lance thank God he came home. I would print out this thread plus the info in the link Sheila posted. It is insane that the woman wants you to prove how his pads were ripped off.
  16. Ohio State University does a lot of greyhound study. You or your vet can call or e-mail with questions to see if they have dealt with this. Dr. Couto at OSU Sending prayers for your boy.
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