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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. Greytlady94

    Tammy Gone

    I am so sorry. Godspeed Tammy, run with the angels.
  2. What a beautiful tribute to your sweet girl. Run with the angels Desiree.
  3. I would check with the vet about giving both carafate and Pepcid for her tummy. Hope she is feeling better tomorrow. Have you tried cooking for her? Maybe some baked chicken, boiled hamburger, lean pot roast, eggs, etc.
  4. What a sweet girl. She is healing really well.
  5. Sending prayers for this sweet shy boy. The shy ones are such a special gift.
  6. I am so sorry. Sending prayers. Our grey with osteo was only 6 when he was diagnosed and amputation was not an option for him. I agree that your baby will need more for pain. OS is very painful. My Charlie was on morphine but we had to let him go when the morphine was not helping. We only had 2 weeks with him after diagnosis.
  7. I am so sorry, what a terrible thing to have happened to your beautiful girl. Try to take some comfort in knowing you were there to hold her in the end and she knew she was loved. I also am thinking maybe she had gotten ahold of something poisonous or some medication, or possibly cancer.
  8. Sending prayers. I lost one greyhound, Charlie, to osteo at the age of 6. What ever decision you make for Dempsey will be the right decision. No one knows Dempsey like you do. Once you have made the decision, try not to second guess yourself.
  9. But she has had this problem for quite a while right? Medicated creams and special collars won't work forever. If something is 'wrong' back there, it needs to be corrected. What makes you think you would lose her during surgery? Does she have another medical condition? ~Lindsay~ She is not going to be dehydrated if she is kept on IV liquids before during and after the procedure until she is awake enough to drink. Episioplasty is not a procedure that is going in the gut, it is a pretty straight forward procedure that corrects an external problem. Oh I know that they won't work forever, we just were given new suggestions on it. I was told that we should culture the area and see exactly what bacteria is back there, that maybe we were using the "wrong" meds and creams for what might be there. I'm not totally dismissing surgery I just want to keep an open mind about all treatments. We think this is a condition she had long before we got her. We had it cleaned up for awhile then it really got agressive lately and thus the many vet trips. We were told that it was 50/50 because she was so extremely dehydrated anyway and her fasting made it worse. He believes she has another underlying problem as to why she is so dehydrated. In the beginning her blood levels concerned him and he sent them to another lab and consulted someone in Akron and found out that because her urine gravity was "ok" they were her normal levels. He is just concerned about her drinking so much water and still being so dehydrated. We do crate her but she has a huge bowl bolted to her crate now so she can free drink. He said he believes and so do the other vets that she will be fine under if they run iv's prior, during and after the surgery. I just want to make sure we've done all we can before we make her go under. I know I'm probably over protective. Does that make me a bad mommy? She is not going to dehydrate if kept on IV liquids before during and after the procedure until she is awake enough to drink. Episioplasty is a pretty straght forward procedure. It is not going into the abdomen, it is correcting an external problem/malformation. Yes, I do feel sorry for Halle because I know how sore and miserable the females with this problem can be, and I spent way more then $1,000. on creams, ointments, tests, specialists, collars (like the one I sent you) etc. before finding what the issue was and how to correct it. Once corrected there is no more swelling, sore, raw, miserable dog.
  10. I am so sorry. Godspeed Jimmy.
  11. I agree it is unlikely that Halle is a hermaphadite. After spending several thousand dollars with several specialists trying to get my Renie healed from licking, I can tell you it is not going to happen long term without the episioplasty. The episioplasty does correct the problem, and Renie has never had the swelling an soreness again since the surgery. In all due respect to Dr. Feeman, having had a greyhound with the same condition that you have been posting on Greytalk about for the last couple of years, I feel sorry for Halle if you now feel she does not need this surgical correction.
  12. It's called episioplasty Hopefully nothing else will come up to put the surgery off again. She will feel so much better after it is over and she has healed.
  13. I feel glucosamine/chondrotin/msm used alone or along with chiropractic and acupuncture are a better way to go then Nsaids. JMPO
  14. Bev I am so happy that Darcy is doing so well and hope you, Marc, and all the puppers have a very Merry Christmas.
  15. $2500.00 would be a reasonable amount for this surgery. Add to that, OSU knows what they are doing with greyhounds. This poor dog has been miserable living with this for a long time now.
  16. Glad you made an appointment. Could be Pannus or any number of things. If it is Pannus that can be kept under control with daily prednosolone drops.
  17. I would throw the Milkbones away. If you read the ingredients they are really pretty much garbage.
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