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Everything posted by 3DogNite

  1. my boy gets a cold laser treatment on his hips and back leg joints. it helps him get mobility back. i'm lucky, my acupuncturist will do the treatment for only $10. so, without understanding why it works, i'm just glad it works!
  2. Have you tried "serving" Silver Shield? i'd syringe it down to make sure it's ingested. doesn't have any taste, so should be easy enough and i'd put a colloidal silver cream topically too! and then i'd apply lots of Essential oils,, NOT ON THE OPEN WOUND, but close, where there is less hair,, so the oils can be absorbed very easily. because you have tried so many antibiotics here is a list of oils that help resolve resistant strains: Melrose, Melaleuca, oregano, geranium, clove, lemongrass, frankincense, helichrysum. (specifically from Young living essential oils) PM me if your interested. They really can help!!!
  3. I too have sliding glass doors and glass patio doors and after watching my best friends' dog go racing into a sliding door (broke her neck and died soon after) I vowed NEVER to get rid of the static gel decals! and i have paperclips dangling with color paper hanging in the screen at eye level.
  4. Have you tried the Slippery Elm Bark. mix it up with warm water, make it into a pudding texture, and syringe it down his throat. It is great for coating the intestines and really does a good job at stoping the diarrhea too!!! i'd give it 3x a day at first,, then as things get better go with a smaller dose. good luck L-
  5. ABSOLUTELY TRUE!! NO OILS NEAR THE FACE --- very good point! I apply all oils on Lazers chest and tummy area,, also AWAY from his Manly-hood! morning and evening applications
  6. Essential Oils : Melaleuca, lavender, peppermint, pachouli are just a few that will help eliminate allergies --
  7. i used bad girl panties on a foster once. It held a full bladder release... she only needed it that one time ~ and she was trained. i wouldn't want to leave my girl in one everyday,,, however I do think it is comfortable enough to do so. good luck!
  8. i'm happy to hear they don't think it's hemangiosarcoma! My first greyhound had what we determined to be hemangiosarcoma. the tumor ruptured and she bled internally until the skin in her chest and stomach and all down her back legs were red/purple ~ Naively we thought she had torn a muscle. The blood was eventually absorbed by the body, but time was not good for her ~ the tumor growth was unstoppable and heart breaking to watch!!! one month later she was gone I'm so glad that you are seeking more information and trying to find out what is going on with your boy - it is heart wrenching to watch them, wishing and praying you can make them better! good luck! :goodluck :goodluck
  9. I'll be thinking about you and Fixer tonight! I hope he has a restful day ~ and that it is nothing major!!!
  10. Lazer was diagnosed with PLN after he collapsed in my driveway and DIED --i revived him.. the ultra sound on his heart showed a couple blood clots then blood work showed UPC of 6.3 fast forward (and read other threads about him here in H&M if you are interested in more detail) HE IS ALIVE HAPPY!!! on the road to recovery!!! one of two clots completely gone! the other reduced in size by 30% ,, blood work is showing improvement as well,, upc is now at 4.2 and going down!!! Medications: enalipril diltiazem plavix and a whole host of alternative holistic supplements and essential oils and acupuncture. we didn't do anything different with his diet, mostly because he refused to eat for a couple months and i was just happy to get anything into his stomach. raw hamberger was his staple food thru this time. if you want to know more, PM me --- i tend to ramble on, so you might get more information than what you ask for! good luck with your girl! lorinda
  11. ugh - we LOVE, LOVE Neopaws!!! i was going to suggest them, but thought a sock or other fleece at the seam would be better short term fix.
  12. I don't know the design of these boots, but what comes to mind is turning them inside out, and glueing some soft fleece along the seam where his toes rub. Sometimes the boots are too stiff to turn inside out, but getting some soft cushion on the seam would be the first thing i'd do. good luck!
  13. all three of mine say " YUMM can we come over for desert!!!
  14. good idea! he was soo freaked out at the vet office. he NEVER pants at home. when i take his pulse at home, it's always nice and regular and even... when I take his temp. ~ it's always normal (vet office usually 104 due to nerves)
  15. His apt. is at 3pm today....... the positive energy is STRONG!!! thank you all,, I'll post as soon as we get home ~~ i'm nervous and excited and can't concentrate on anything today!! update post 1
  16. :cla Pulmonary Artery Clot ----- 100% GONE!!! this was 95% included,, now its squeaky clean! R. atrial clot ----- reduced by half the original size the original clot was going in and out of the tricuspid valve and could have broken off,,,, now it's WAY smaller and only in the R atrial cavity.. it's tight against the wall of the heart, it looks like it may just stay there, sort of solid looking instead of a thing flopping around in his heart NO OTHER CLOTS FOUND IN THE HEART OR ARTERIES!!!!!!!!!!! he does have high blood pressure -- Scary HIGH blood pressure. I might take him back for a re-check to see if it is a false high... Lazer was pretty freaked out at the apt. YYIPPPEEEEEE!!!! Lorinda, very happy mom to Lazer the miracle boy! ****************************** Lazer is going to the Cardiologist tomorrow at 3pm i'm excited, nervous, confident but worried, hopeful and trying to stay as positive as possible. don't know if i'll sleep much tonight ----- eh, actually i'm more the type to sleep, but have bad dreams no more clots, clean heart in the ultrasound!!! no more clots, clean heart in the ultrasound!!! no more clots, clean heart in the ultrasound!!! no more clots, clean heart in the ultrasound!!! no more clots, clean heart in the ultrasound!!! thank you for keeping the faith!!! Lorinda and Lazer
  17. Lazer continues to get BETTER!!!! yesterday we looked at his blood under a contrast phase microscope. HIS BLOOD IS PERFECT!!! after 150 days of alternative therapies, Oils, herbal supplements, prescriptions drugs and a lot of prayer,, his blood is perfect!!! and my boy is happy again! little history in case you've forgotten: The first time we did this late August, his blood was sludge (my term) it just didn't move on the slide at all,, the white blood cells were all mis-shapen and spikey showing Toxins/fungus and Bacteria clinging to the cell. his white blood cells were just as bad... then we saw full on FUNGUS and Toxins cells,,,, fungus attached on the toxin multiplying in his blood!! it was not good.. this was following his collapse 8/10/11,, i don't know how to put a link to all my past posts, but there is a lot i've posted about him..... Next monday the 16th,,, we go in for an Ultrasound to look at his heart ~~ i want to see the blood clots gone!! or at least diminished.. and at the very least, no additional clots. my theory however flawed and over-simplified: toxins/pesticides/bacteria in his blood has compromised his kidneys creating PLN PLN causing him to create blood clots, his are in his heart Clean the blood, allow the kidneys to "heal", stop the creation of blood clots = happy mom and healthy Lazer Blood clean as of 1/10/12 - check next: blood clots gone --- look for update next week Lazer really has changed the last month,, soooo happy, like giddy happy, he wants to run and play and tries to get Spirit and Power to play with him. he loves his 2 miles walks and prances proudly the entire way he ASKS for dinner now,, i remember when i had to push food down him ! and he SMILES for treats! how wonderful is that!!! Thank you all for your support the last several months - your the best! Lorinda, mom to Lazer the miracle boy
  18. I have a friend who is going thru this EXACT thing with her boy. They have done the same thing,, steroids, pain med and watch and wait. In 12 hours after the accident he was walking again, but really poorly,, stumbling around really. the next 12 hours he got some better, balance was returning, but still really stumbley..... I am waiting on the next report from my friend prayers to you and your girl!!! years ago: i knew a dog who collided with another dog,, she actually broke her neck and was paralyzed.. that dog recovered after surgery and was able to enjoy several more years pain free.....
  19. What a wonderful girl Anna was !! your memories will keep her alive in your heart run free
  20. I like Costco canned dog food .. good consistency for rolling into balls to pop pills,, and easy to mash into kibble for gravy ~~~ should be good for the toothless one
  21. This one is quiet different from what i have done no cream cheese of peanut butter in the one i've done, they have the same end result tho,, added calories and shinny coat!
  22. Fat Balls i'd have to search for the right ingredients, but loosely: raw hamberger raw eggs-with shells veg. oil corn flakes *or equiv. i'm missing important things,, do a search,, they are what saved my boy, and gave him a glossy coat too!
  23. In fact, the last visit my boy's temp was 104+! he is such a worry wart his normal is about 102.9, it's good to now how your dog reacts tho,, so keep notes and start a diary. It will come in handy one day
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