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Everything posted by 3DogNite

  1. My Darbee-Doo had the LP tie-back surgery at the age of 13 yrs.. she lived until the ripe old age of 15 and died of seizures due to old age. she never wore a martingale again,, only light tag collars and Bling necklaces fit for a girlie-girl I found a wonderful fun bright harness to color coordinate with whatever bling "she" chose. she had the left side tied back and the "voice box" taken out too. incision in front of her neck (under her chin) she did very well after surgery and never looked back elevated food and water stations soaked the kibble for her food no crunchie/crumbley kind of treats of food. she did have a couple of vomiting issues, and thankfully no problems with pneumonia. I would not hesitate to do the LP tie back with another dog. My first greyhound died of Hemangio-sarcoma, that spread to her organs. She went very quickly,, within a coupe weeks of diagnosis. Good luck with your girl!
  2. I'm so sorry you are in this position ~ thank goodness you came home when you did I'm glad for Tuna, that you are there at the time she needs you most. She knows she is loved!
  3. I found a big bag of Quinoa at my cost-co! you could ask about gluten free things at your health food store too. good luck!
  4. I'll buy this answer! I still think if I could bottle and sell whatever it is that makes greyhounds so lean and skinny ~ i'd be rich AND all homeless animals would have homes and starving people wouldn't be hungry ever again! and so many other things..
  5. I just noticed this too! your GT family will surround you both with love and support during this time! Run Fast and Free Ryan!
  6. I have not done my own dogs past 12 yrs old... however have very good friends who have given their dogs dentals at ages 12+ years. In my mind, it is up to the vet, are they confident ~ then do it! those teeth look bad, Greyhounds are sooo much more resilient than what we give them credit for. I have seen senior greyhounds come back from far worse than bad teeth. Good luck!
  7. I hope the vet can figure out a way to make Larry more comfortable. Good luck!
  8. When I adopted Power he was eating: raw/turkey necks/supplements. Lucky Boy! His teeth still look pretty good! I have slacked with giving him turkey necks, and he eats hard kibble now, with lots of good supplements: so to compensate for the lack of turkey necks, I have tried to brush his teeth on occasion. His gums have started bleeding easily, and he has a couple of funky skin things that I want taken off,, so, To the Vet he Goes! I Love my vet, he's wonderful and very grey savvy! Power turns 10 in sept. and is in really good health. I really don't expect anything to go wrong,, but the extra thoughts of GT's would be much appreciated! Thanks Everyone!!! He goes tomorrow morning, they do the dental, wake him up, and call me (I'll be hiking with the other dogs wasting time) the vet calls me to pick Power up and we go home,, barring any complications - I'll update tomorrow evening *********************** We are home, and Power did greyt! had a couple little teeth pulled in front, and had the little skin things taken off. My vet said they were something that I don't have to worry about, can't remember what he called them. but totally not a problem. Thanks for all the positive thoughts ~ the power of GT comes thru again!!!
  9. My old gal had tie-back surgery at 13yrs old.. she live 2 more comfortable ~ happy years!!! before the surgery, we did a lot of water spray bottles to keep her cool, cool coats, and room fans,, we never let her "romp",, she was on leash all the time! we did not have med's on hand, and we didn't change her food.. except for the really crumbly treats, she didn't get those often
  10. After years of OLD doggies, I want to know my dogs are not in pain,, and I've had vets tell me,, my greyhounds aren't in pain.. when i KNOW they are, and then i can't get enough pain meds. finally i have a wonderful vet who trusts ME to know when my dogs are in pain, and will give me Tramadol or Rimadyl script just about any time i want - over the phone, without a vet visit. i just call in my request. along with Metronidazole script - very important with my old ones (now gone) price matching meds., on line or in a catalogue, is a good point, may practices this is a HUGE mark up area.
  11. to Ekko!!! and to Tessa!!! sleep it off tonight,, tomorrow is a new day, with new TP rolls to enjoy !
  12. Such a wonderful ol'boy! and a sweet kind face! never to be forgotten ~
  13. My angel Peppy had one just like this. removal went very well, and it was benin, at the same time i thought there was another one on the other side,, i asked my vet to remove it too.... he said,, "oh, no, that one has to stay, it's a nipple!"
  14. 3DogNite

    Poppy Doyle

    to you and your family ! :candle Poppy, run fast and free with your friends at the bridge
  15. may you gain love and strength from the ones who are left behind, sweet little Nina, run fast and free!
  16. Congratulations Jamey!!! Way to show that nasty cancer who is boss!!! for all those still battling this horrible disease! eta cause i can't spell
  17. My vet does not give a pre-sedative. Non of mine have ever jumped, yelped or given any sign of discomfort at the time of PTS. Just the peaceful eye closing as they leave this life behind. My vet came out to my mini van, and we let Rascal go there. Another time we went out in the back yard of our vet office, and our boy Peppy went to sleep there. I was told no valium, it somehow makes it more difficult for the final injection to take effect.
  18. Claudia, Greyhound Gang, has been selling a new product, Yucca Intensive. I saw real results quickly when I gave this to my foster ~ she has broken toe, not fixed and calcium deposits,, and an old broken hock, not fixed properly,, I'm also pretty sure she has arthritis in those and other joints ~~~ she really responded well to it... good for pain, and inflammation! www.greyhoundgang.org
  19. Aint this the truth! both being one in a million,, and about training me ~ not only did I learn the black dogs are sooooo beautiful and shiney and sleek and beautiful,, oh I said that one already,, but I have learned so much about greyhound health issues. I've often said I could walk into any vet and get a job as a tech based on what i've learned with Rascal! Thank you all! I really appreciate everyone's support -
  20. My boy Rascal is gone! I remember saying ,, I don't know if I could have a black dog, black dogs always scared me. Well,, into my life came the sweetest, gentlest, wisest Black Boy EVER! Teddy said, Rascal is the best "church going greyhound" she'd ever meet. His foster Mom glowed about how wonderful he was.. and I said SEND HIM TO ME!!! PLEASE! I drove to Colorado with a friend, we met wonderful people who brought him from OK, and Rascal entered my life,, and I fell in LOVE! That was 6 years ago. So much has happened in my transformation of "being scared" of black dogs! Now I don't know what I'm going to do WITHOUT my black boy! He survived several crazy bizarre injuries. He tore BOTH Achilles tendons,, at the same time! in a "FUN" run at RTW one year. He recovered with grace and dignity and amazing patience. After a couple of surgeries, he was able to "run" the yard, and always with a smile on his face! He went thru several bouts of HGE,, always a skinny boy, he seemed to be skin and bones, just to enjoy the 4 feedings a day, giving me a SMILE after each one,, he was always to grateful and loving! He woke up one morning, half paralyzed, FCE the vet said,, 24 hrs later, he was doing a funny hop-skip-hop around the back yard, willing his feet to work in the right way! He recovered. He broke his tail at Christmas, we thought it would have to be amputated. But my boy let me Dr. his tail everyday, I saved that long, white tipped tail!! and he was wagging it everyday in gratitude and with love of life!!! When the Vet said Kidney disease, my heart sank, but I thought, we can do this! then after an ultrasound and the very fast progression of bad symptoms we knew this was not going to be something we could beat. Rascal endured 3 months of sub q fluid injections, several rounds of Special Treats were sent by his wonderful friends in BDR, what hound wouldn't feel better! Rascal made it to the Kanab Greyhound Gathering one last time, and then he made sure I had new doggies in my life to love me before he decided he could leave me. Rascal left this world last Friday morning. My heart is so sad, and I miss him so much! My big, black, smiling, DANCING, grey-faced, benevolent old man. my last funny picture of him, makes me smile and laugh out loud,,, I know he wants me to be happy, he sent new dogs for me to love before he went on to his next journey. The time we have with our wonderful dogs is NEVER long enough,, Hug them, kiss them, and love them everyday. Cherish the funny, silly moments. Good by Rascal Dascal,, you changed my life for the better. I will always love you!
  21. eewww!,, but good picture! I've always wondered what that might look like,, but ~ eeewww!!!
  22. We have been dealing with Kidney disease for a couple of months with Rascal. before I would admit him for IV flush,, i'd ask about Sub Q Fluids. I usually give my boy 1 liter of fluids every 3rd day or so. along with diet and meds, this keeps him going. It is easy to do at home,, if your not queasy about needles. There is SO MUCH t to learn, and so many people here helped me thru the initial stages of OMG,, now what. Keep asking lots of questions. Make a chart, track how your boy feels daily. Good luck with your journey.
  23. I keep Satin Balls (fat balls) made up just for this situation. Any pill will go into them when I hide it in a fat ball!
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