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Everything posted by 3DogNite

  1. I would have freaked at first,, you bet all the lights would have been turned on, and I probably would not have slept much thru the night but ultimately I would have done what you did : home doctoring and to the vet in the morning!
  2. I actually had very similar idea's running thru my brain about this very thing! I personally know of 3 hounds that were injured,, then 'developed' OS at the injury site years,, in one case only months later. Very interesting,,, I'll be checking back to see what others say! the more I learn, the more i know, the more I HATE CANCER!!!
  3. My Sweet old gal Darbee-Doo is gone Her little body was so frail that after a couple of seizures (several days apart) she couldn't hold on any longer and answered her call to the bridge Even tho her body was frail, her spirit was strong up until the very end. she was 30 days shy of her 15th birthday! She was a champion Smile-er and she LOVED coffee! . She still had ALL OF HER TEETH!!! She was my little chinchilla - the softest THICKEST fur anyone had ever felt! She loved to DIG holes - give Darbee a piece of soft dirt, and she'd have a hole dug so fast and would turn around and lay in it with her head on the ledge! She did everything in her own time... tell her to Hurry up,, and you know you'd be waiting extra long just because she new you were in a hurry. She was a tease ~ never very good at running,, but really good at getting all the others to run,, then looking at them with a funny look of "ha, ha,, made ya run!" and would come back to me for a treat! She survived and trived after her LP tie-back surgery at the age of 13 So many things, they come to my mind at the strangest time of the day, and the tears keep flowing. I miss her every second of the day. She left us on 1/2/10 at 2am. From between the tears i could tell that the stars were really bright that night, her friends were waiting and welcoming her. You will be forever in my heart,, sweet Darbee! I love you!!!
  4. Good morning, I'm sorry Pete is having troubles with his tail! The last two weeks I have been wrapping Rascal's tail due to a rupture and break. it is in the middle of his tail, an i have been able to keep it wrapped very well. Here is what i do: I use a sanitary napkin , wrap it around and hold it with tape. fairly tightly, I don't think you could get it tight enough to hurt the blood flow due to the thickness to the pad. so if you put the tail in the pad like a taco, and tape around it.. then use a long piece of tape to go all the way from one side, down and around the bottom, up to the other side. you have to catch the hair, so use an easy to remove kind of tape. then use a cotton netting material (get it from the store) and wrap around from the top of the tape all the way down and around the bottom of the tail... tape around the wrap to keep it in place. then top it off with vet wrap. Rascal's taill was really infected when i first started wrapping it. he is on antibiotics, and i do NOT use any ointment or anything on the tail under the bandage. ALSO,, I get a HOT - wet wash cloth. and for about 5 minutes a day, I hold the hot cloth on the infected site. dribble hot water on it,, make sure it is really dry when i re-wrap it.. and that's it! Rascal's tail is healing nicley and the infection is gone! now we are hoping the blood flow was good enough thru the infection and swelling that the bottom half of his tail will not die.. so in a nut-shell,,, Yes Hydro-therapy. Yes wrap,,, no to hydrogen peroxid or anyother ointments. Good luck!
  5. Rascal's tail is BETTER!!! and the vet thinks he will be able to KEEP IT!!!! Darbee-doo is feeling BETTER!!! and she is back to her royal picki-ness again! so, vacation in Phx is turning out alright. now if only the weather would cooperate. i'd really like to get out with Power for some hiking in the hills. I've been so preoccupied with the other two,, that i haven't gotten him out much. thanks for all of your help!
  6. One of my boys kept tearing his webbing. it seemed both front feet were constantly wrapped for a while. His feet healed, it took alon time and he really didn't have webbing anymore. he had individual toes that splayed open when he really dug in to run. buth they never bothered again him once they healed.
  7. Thanks for checking in on us here in Phx. on vacatio. using my parent computer is sometimes a challenge This morning Darbee is doing sooo much better!!! after friday being such a scary day, i gave her extra pain meds. she slept a lot and her body healed itself! (i think) she is walking nice and slow, like a 15yr old greyhound should, all 4 feet are tracking like her brain is actually making them work. the other day her legs were not working in the right order, her balance was way off, even her breathing was labored but i think that was pain related.... and she had serious pain in her neck/shoulder area. And after 2 days now of hydrocodone, and lots of sleep, she seems alert, and interested in food (well, treats, not real food) and is doing really well. the plan today is getting real food into her, and to see if we can do without the extra pain meds. I couldn't get into a chiro. with her yesterday. I am going to try the name suggested here for next week. I think Darbee would really appreciated a "tune up"! AND Rascal's tail looks good too, after another bandage change. it's clean, doesn't show any signs of closing yet and has some "meat" exposed. I wonder if it can be stitched now? it's been a week since it happened. Anyway, follow up apt. with Vet is tomorrow morning. I hope she likes it too, and says we can keep it! Thank you all for your help the last couple days! I didn't realise how much i've come to depend on my Online Friends! Thanks!!! more tomorrow after the vet visit!
  8. Good Girl Elsie!!! We all deserve an "easy" in between the "higher maintenance" doggies!
  9. Thank you, i found that site, and am now searching!
  10. I've been worried about Rascal and his tail for the last week (another thread on him here in H&M) and now it's my old gal Darbee-doo's turn. and on vacation, not what i planned for! Can anyone give me a recomendation for Chiropractor or Accupuncutrist in the Phx area,, preferably in the NW area of Glendale, Sun City area. I will drive around if needed. I think my almost 15 year old pinched a nerve. She is definatly in pain, and cannot lay herself down on a bed. she can get up by herself,, slowly. she is panting heavily while standing and walking and will only lay out flat on her side (once I get her to lay down.) i'm off to do a search, but thought i'd ask here first. Thanks you so much for your help and Darbee thanks you too!
  11. Rasca Update! 1st: I LOVE Dr. Katie Andre!!! she is great! and what a treat to have a vet who is SOOO grey-savey to go to!! my vets are wonderful in SLC, but this was actually an eye-opening experience for me! Rascal: His lower tail is still alive with blood flow. However the trama to the middle of the tail is pretty bad, and is infected. Dr. was really impress with my wrap job! And she was very happy that i had started the Cephelaxin, only I wish i had started it earlier. I am to keep it wrapped and do hydro-therapy daily with daily bandage changes. Thankfully I travel with a FULL supply of all kinds of bandages Dr. Andre said if the tail looks better on Monday, then we should be good to go for full healing, HOWEVER,, she really didn't think it would heal, and that we are more realistically looking at amputaion of his beautiful, LONG, white tipped tail! so my weekend will be full of Christmas turkey, hydro-therapy and Tail wrapping! I'm lucky that Rascal is a very stoic boy, and rarely shows pain or even being uncomfortable. He usually has an iron stomach too, so the extra antibiotic and tramadol shouldn't be a problem. so, we are not out of the woods yet, the jurry is still out. I'll let you know more on moday after his follow-up apt. Until then,,, MERRY CHRISTMAS!
  12. Thank you all,, I've made an apt. for tomorrow morning with a vet who came highly recomended from several of you here - Dr. Katie Andre at Bethany Animal Hosp. She isn't the closest vet, but I'm trusting your references! My Rascal is definately feeling down. but his tail is hanging heavy it wrapped up. and i'm sure it hurts, he is just the strong silent type I'll let you know what i find out tomorrow!
  13. do you think the Cephalexin at 500 mg would be good to start?
  14. Here we are in Phx. for Christmas vacation, and Rascal somehow broke his tail. at least that is my diagnosis. I don't know how it happened. either it bent in half when he layed down hard on it? can that happen? or someone stepped on it ? I know it was NOT caught in a door, it happened in the car on the drive down,,,,, weird! no indication of when it happened either, no cry out or anything ~ anyway: there is a big knot about half way down and a little broken skin at the spot. no blood. in the begining there was just oosing of clear liquid, and it does look like a white "inside" is coming out... don't know what that is I cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide, put anti-bacterial ointment on it, wrapped it really well for stability, poor rascal looks pretty emabrassed about the whole bandage thing. but i must say the wrap stayed on!! NOW, 3 days later, I just did my first bandage change. it seems infected! and smelly! I have Cephalexin 500 mg (rascal weighs 72lbs) do you think i could start giving him 2x dailey? I know it also hurts, i've been giving him Tramadol too. I don't know what else to do with it,, other than now take him to a vet (some of you gave me recomendations a couple weeks ago, so i do know where to go,, thank you!) what will the vet do, other that what i'm doing. if it doesn't heal an amputation might have to happen, but until then..?? thanks for your help! and Rascal thanks you too!!!
  15. :pepper FANTASTIC NEWS!!!!!! what a relief! ,, dancing elephant from Darbee.. she is very happy that Llenny will be able to Dance another Dance!!!
  16. My Angle Peppy, had a small tumor removed from his tail, that turned out to be Hemangio-Sarcoma! they were able to get clean margins, and it never came back!! Good luck with your boy! :goodluck
  17. My first greyhound succumbed to Hemangiosarcoma back in 2002, and went thru a HUGE Bleed, bigger than what you are showing! I didn't know at the time, that she had the cancer, but my vet figured the rupture happened with increased activity and the tumor being stretched, must have leaked or burst somehow under the skin. The Blood pooling under the skin DID go away! it got really ugly first tho and it took a couple of weeks. But her body did absorb the blood and all the fluid. She had several good months before the tumor got too big, and the mets where in her lungs and everywhere. She didn't seem in pain until the VERY LAST WEEK. PM me if you have other questions or just need another person who's been thru it to vent to! I'm sorry you are going thru this!
  18. I've had 5 greyhounds over the last 12 years. My newest boy is the ONLY one who want's to play! I had one who I could tempt into playing, but really he was just being kind to crazy mom! It's really fun to watch them play,, but I love to watch them "play' in their sleep too.. the ones who have never plaed,, RUN LIKE CRAZY in their dreams!!!
  19. Those pictures are pretty however,, the future reference/knowledge is priceless! Thanks for posting them And I hope Pete heals fast!
  20. I have lost the ability to post pictures . I have a 1yr MAC, DH makes sure it is up to date with every little thing. I make my pictures fit the size criteria, export them to another folder in the right size, then when i want to post I use the "choose file" button, then when i hit the "attach file" button I always get an error of "! Error, this upload failed" what am i missing? I went into the "help with attaching files" link, but don't know what i should be looking at to change or update or what? Thanks for your help! Lorinda
  21. I take my dogs in once a year for teeth cleaning with sedation. however thru the year i brush their teeth and do periodic scaling if the tarter gets built up.
  22. I will be thinking of you all tomorrow morning! when it's time, it's time, and there is nothing more we can do but to give them a kiss and a hug and let them go.
  23. I was thinking about your "forcing" food on Happy. The other thing I have done when absolutely nothing appealed to my old gal, and i KNEW she had to have food or else..... get the kind of can dog food that is solid mush,, not the bits and pieces of chunks of food in gravy,, take small bite size amount in your hand, form into a ball, and shove it down her throat! It will go into her tummy, and she will digest it, and maybe she will not continue to loose weight. I have done this on occasion. not for any length of time, but to enough to get by after a couple days of refusing food.. this made my girl feel better, then she started to eat on her own again. for good news from your vet!
  24. I have gone thru this before, several times, I start worrying, and feeding one dog special food and extra attention, trying anything to get that dog to eat,, then another just decides to refuse his otherwise loved food,, but WILL eat the other dogs food. I know you know your dogs, we all watch them like a hawk,, but sometimes it's just that newly picky dog wants more attention, and thinks the other food is better, because you have been talking it up so much for the one who is really sick. i have had to really be strict with the other dogs who are fine,,,, if they start to show signs of going off their food, i take their food away. they do get hungry and will eat their food again! IF Teddy is fine (and i hope he is!) then he will eat again! it sounds like Beau needs the extra encouragement from his history of IBD ~ good luck with both your boys!!! i have been in your place and it's not fun! in my house, it's the Blue/fawm boy who eats like a champ ~ and it is a pleasure to see them eat and really love their food!!!
  25. My boy Rascal had Achilles Tendons rupture in both back legs,,,, at the same time. They were reattached, he had PINS in each leg/foot holding the foot in extension, keeping the tendon as soft as possible and he endured 6 weeks of FULL LEG CASTs. bandage changes every 3rd day. when the pins came out (another surgery) instructions: slow, minimal walks, NO stairs for many months,, rehab after in a water tank/tread mill, and lots of acupuncture and chiropractic. He had one foot that healed too tightly, and we had to actually cut the tendons under the toes to release the foot from it's tightness. He now trots around the back yard and will do about 1/2 mile walks. He really doesn't run, I won't let him. He does wear booties on both back feet when he goes for any walk, it seems to help him, we use Neo-Paws. Rascal is now 12yrs old, happy and healthy! 3 years after the accident, i no longer feel like he is a fragile boy. Good luck with your greyhound! It was a struggle, but well worth it to see him enjoy life now!
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