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Everything posted by 3DogNite

  1. I'm so sorry to hear this about your girl! and sorry that you are having to fight this fight with/for her! it's probably best for her to stay quiet and rest tonight, conserving all she can to get better,, I hope she can be strong and find the will to live! I understand and know what it is like to watch obsessively every breath, wondering if it will be the last ~ my prayers have been going for the last 10 day non stop for my boy,, I'll add Jacey to my prayers!!! and for you too. stay strong, and know you are doing everything for your girl. :hope :hope
  2. I don't know anything- we are learning, taking a leap of faith and calling everyday he is with us a BONUS!!
  3. she won't miss the part that is taken... I hope she can heal fast from this!
  4. I'm sorry you are going thru this!!! I hope they can figure out how to help her ~ rightawayquick!
  5. I'm sorry to hear about your girl! she is without pain, and running free now!
  6. Thank you,, I believe in miracles too!!! Lazer continues to do more "normal" things everyday since this ordeal started. He is more alert. he pee'd on top of Powers pee yesterday,, He is taking some raw hamburger meat balls for nutrition ~ on his own ~ i don't have to shove them down his throat. he slept all night without a potty break,,,, HE WAGGED HIS TAIL! his tail has hung lifelessly since the collapse,, and his head as been tilting to the right,, this too is getting better. Is it too much to ask for a miracle?
  7. do you have a holistic vet to call and ask? you might try emailing Claudia Presto.. she is very knowledgable about supplements, she uses all the ones you listed claudia@greyhoundgang.org
  8. I am sorry to hear the diagnosis! extra hugs to you,, and extra treats for your boy!!!
  9. Small improvements with Lazer all day today! I'm afraid to even hope,, but I think the antibiotics are making him feel better ~ and the food i've pushed into him has to make him feel good too! tomorrow cardiac appt. at 2pm.. i'll let you know how it goes. L-
  10. Phx... 100+ out side, means 80's in i know seems weird to me too but it works,, and the other dogs have their noses tucked under to sleep actually slept thru the night pretty well. was up once for potty break, and I did another cool compress over his body, his temp at 4 am was 103.2 --- that's closer to normal i'll keep an eye on it.
  11. also: www.greyhoundgang.org has lots of good info about slippery elm
  12. thank you! started with the cool compress and he feels better already,, if things persist,, we dunk him in the pool,, temp 92 degrees.. that will cool him off.. then i don't want to drop it too fast, so he'll have to stay outside for a while.. we have turned the AC down to 81 to try and keep Lazer cool both DH and i are freezing! oof-da !!! any Norwegians out there? L-
  13. Lazer has multiple problems... see Aortic Mass thread He has developed a temp of 104.8 i'm doing cool compresses,, what else can I do????
  14. Absolutely! Sending prayers and hugs and thinking positive thoughts for small improvements. Thank you! This absolutely helps the mental challenge of watching him minute by minute. Lazer isn't eating on his own. I have to push small amounts of canned food into his mouth. he swallows but really hasn't shown any sign of wanting to eat. he has lost weight,, but if I can keep some food in him, and if he has the will,, we will give him the chance he needs! it's afternoon, and we have had a nice relaxing day. Lazer has been out side a couple time but mostly has slept the day away. thanks again everyone,, Lorinda
  15. I feel dazed, exhausted, and helpless! I don't feel like I'm doing anything,, just watching and waiting, it's frustrating. Laser is resting calmly, but I can see his heart jumping frantically in his chest. And my brain is going over every possible scenario,, hoping for the best, but wanting to have a plan for the unthinkable. More update post 1 Yes the power of GT felt here in phx !! Thanks! Lorinda
  16. So sorry to hear about Lazer's heart problems. Sounds like you handled things very well this morning with the CPR and getting him to the vet so quickly. Your comment about him having a hard time breathing really concerns me. Was he having difficulty breathing when you were at your vet or the cardiologist this morning? Did they suggest hospitalization for monitoring, injectable meds, and possibly oxygen therapy? Do you have an e-clinic nearby if he gets worse tonight? Sending good thoughts for you and Lazer. I don't think his breathing is really WORSE . Now that i know what is going on with his heart, i'm am really paranoid that any additional stress will bring on the worst result.. it's just that i'm watching him so closely, I wish I could breath for him.!!! I have an e-vet about 15 min away, the trick will be to get him in the van by myself if he can't walk. I do know how to get there, and have the phone number handy! the cardiologist didn't suggest hospitalization. I have read that oxygen can be helpful. the med's he's on doesn't need monitoring. I think the med's people are given to dissolve clots are not given to animals. I asked about anything that will do this for him, and nothing was ever presented to me that would accomplish this. His feet are cold, his chest is burning hot. it's been like this all day. the blood just isn't getting to his limbs,, and his heart is working overtime ,, but ineffectively ~ I have to give him a chance to recover! If the vet thinks there is a chance, I want to give it to him ... It's just so hard to watch. maybe hospitalization for him would be better for me??!? he is a worrying , nervous boy. I don't think he'd do well in the hospital. i don't know , maybe he'd be better there,, second guessing my decisions is going to keep me awake tonight. Thank you all for keeping us close in your thoughts tonight!
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