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Everything posted by 3DogNite

  1. mmmm,, my bottle puts drops out nicely. it's not that thick. Claudia at Greyhoundgang.org sells the Yucca extract. try hers.
  2. This is GREAT news!!! keeping the prayers going for continued improvement!!! to sweet Cash
  3. we are all pulling for you Cash! hope you are feeling better today.
  4. for Mickie,, i hope it isn't anything serious! it looks swollen, but i'm not sure what to do for her. maybe a saline wash? and time ~ good luck
  5. Instead of using the salt to melt the ice,, we all know how awful that stuff is on their feet!! I purchased tubes of sand,, usually guys with small trucks will buy them to put in the back for added weight.. well the sand is PERFECT to stop the slipping on ice! spread it out ,, thin (or thick) coating on the sidewalk where ever it's icy,, you'll want towels at the door to wipe feet, otherwise you will have sand all over the house... But ~ this works!! i do this all winter!!! I hope Sparks feels better soon,,
  6. this makes me think more allergies and reverse sneezing! good luck a the vet. I hope you find out what's going on.
  7. I give Power drops of Yucca Intensive,, about 6 drops morning and evening, in his food. He doesn't care if it's in there or not. I tried it, and don't think it tastes very good.. so a picky eater may not like it.
  8. Yes, Neo Paws. they are great, and easy to work with,, and i think they are based in Canada they have a couple different styles, but mostly that have great cushioning, and enough material that comes up the foot/leg that they stay on very well my boy never needed baby socks in addition to the neopaws good luck
  9. oh, that looks OWEEE!! there is another thread about the LP tie-back, just for more information for you. it's probably better not to do both at the same time! Good luck,, and fast healing to your baby!
  10. Darbee ate kibble right up to the end. It was only right after surgery that i gave her all the 'fat balls' she could eat. basically raw hamburger mixed with raw eggs, and other stuff mixed into a ball that she could swallow whole and it was easily digestible. i put her med's in the 'ball' and she would just gobble them up! Darbee's surgery was from the front of her neck. so the vet must have that option. Only once or twice did Darbee regurgitate (throw-up) digested food, or just eaten food. I never worried about it. I just watched for issues, and they never bothered her. I'm sure we were very lucky with all that. She never needed pepcid either. all dogs are alittle different And,, Darbee was discharged the same day too! better care from Mom than from even the 24hr care at the vet!
  11. My vet tied back only one side, but said he took out the "voice box" so she wasn't able to bark or whine ever again. He said it made for a bigger opening without having the complications of having both sides tied back. She was always a pretty quiet girl so we (she) never missed it. I would opt for surgery if 1, you can afford it. seemed like a lot of $$, but worth it to have my girl with me for the next two years. and 2, if Hunter's health is otherwise good! the benefits of knowing your dog is getting enough air, able to freely breath, and seeing them smile and enjoy life IS worth it!! yes, Darbee was a smiler! I would add one thing,, look into getting Hunter a harness. We never put Darbee in a collar again. she had several beautiful necklaces for fun,, but she was in a harness the last couple years due to the limited air intake, then after the surgery we didn't want to chance hurting her throat. for Hunter good luck!
  12. My old Gal, Darbee-doo, now running at the bridge, had the LP tieback surgery when she was 12 yrs old. She did VERY well and lived another 2 years, her departure having nothing to do with the LP. Her recovery was scary for me (i was overly worried) and I think a little painful for her. but she got thru it without any complications. She never had any issues after the surgery, and was a happy, old lady right up to the very end. I miss her so much! I went to my trusted vet, who had done this surgery several times but who is not board certified. When I did research, I heard so much about "board certified surgeons" that i was nervous, but i went with my gut, and was soooo happy that i did. Good Luck!
  13. you might try Yucca Intensive, by Holistic Animal Care. Claudia at the Greyhoundgang.org sells it. it's a tincture and easily given in the food 1 drop per 10 lbs of body weight into food 2 times daily do this in place of the rimadyl I think the salmon oil has anti-inflammatory properties too, try increasing that,, or adding it with your supplements. i know she swears by it, and i have started giving my 10 yr Power a daily dose to ease his joint inflammation sorry, i don't know anything about cold laser treatment, i do have a vet offering it though and it sounds interesting. good luck!
  14. 3DogNite


    My good friend lost her first greyhound. Jane. today to an evil Hemangiosarcoma tumor that had overtaken her. Just last week Jane was running on the beach. Running like the wind,, free and happy. This cancer is so unexpected and so huge and so fast,, it's hard to believe she's gone.... Jane, Pretty Girl, I will always remember you running, with a smile on your face. love, your auntie
  15. How is June Bug doing today? Thinking about you guys today ~ I hope her recovery is smooth and uneventful,, full of cookies and extra kisses!!!
  16. I'm glad the surgery went well! soon you'll get miss June Bug home and you can spoil her rotten!
  17. My boy Rascal tore Achilles tendons in BOTH back legs, at a "fun run" we had them repaired -he was in hip high casts for 3 weeks,, felt like 3 years! -he recovered well, not perfect, but good enough to have a wonderful life. He is running Marathons at the bridge now, with 4 perfect legs ~ i miss him sooo much!!! if you have questions about anything PM me, or email,, good luck and kisses to your sweet June Bug! eta: just looked back on my notes, Rascal was in full casts for 3 weeks, but followed up with softer casts for an additional 2 weeks. I made my vet show me how to change the casting wraps, i ordered all the materials online, and did the cast changes myself. the rehab time went really well after all the bandages/casts came off. I was luck enough to have a water-treadmill rehab place close by. we did that for a couple months to get his strength back. i could go on and on, I should have written a book! email or pm me if you have questions.
  18. i've done senior pet dentals up to 13 yrs old. they went thru all the blood work, and had IV thru the dental and were given a clean bill of health (except for the teeth) before they went thru the procedure. I LOVE my vet, and they all did really well. My old ones lived to 15yrs and had all of their teeth when they went to the bridge! I am now on my 2nd batch of dogs,, Power turns 10 this month,, he had a dental 2 months ago,, and Spirit turns 8 this month,, she will get her dental this month. I feel if they are healthy, and the vet is wonderful.. they should do greyt! I know things can go wrong,, and they obviously do.. but it all happens for some reason, and I leave that decision up to a higher entity. it is a hard decision! good luck ~
  19. Yep,,,, Bag Balm,, the wonder gel! that stuff is THE BEST!!!
  20. Happy Birthday pretty Girl!! feel better, and try not to make your mom worry so much! hoping for an easy med. adjustment to make seizure free!
  21. I'm so happy to read this good outcome! Good Girl Ekko!!! and for you Claudia! i shouldn't be so amazed, but every time I read about the incredible ability that our hounds have at recovery,,, i am just always amazed! we are so lucky to have these wonderful beings in our lives!!! each one that i've been lucky enough to have in my life,, has changed me and made me a better person! Keep up the good work Ekko!!! Maybe your mom will put out a roll of TP just to watch you have a good time!
  22. I know Gabe's passing leaves a huge whole in your heart,, but i also know that it will be healing with all the love the others give to you! They know how much they are loved every second of every day. xoxo to you and your family Run free Gabe
  23. Dee, my heart is crying with yours! I know how you feel, and time will make it better, but let yourself cry, and let your mind remember all the good times you shared with her! Abby was well loved, and will be remembered forever by all of her friends!
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