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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. Sending healing thoughts to Nimby and hugs to you all.
  2. I took her to Blood Donor clinic today at Laura's. (they were going to do her CBC for me.) She had a severe breathing crisis and for the first time prednisone didn't work. We took her home to see if being in her own bed would help, but within 20 minutes it became clear that she would need to go to the vet. They admitted her and gave her Ace to help with her anxiety, Dex to help her breathing and she is on oxygen. I called about an hour after I left and she was resting calmly. It's scarey how quickly things can go from bad to worse. I'm hoping I can bring her home tonight.
  3. You have our prayers. Stay strong Dallas. Hugs to you all.
  4. I would think so. My vet says to follow basic first aid procedures for humans. I've used Polysporin eye drops when one of ours got a gucky eye. Worked great and saved us a trip to the vet and the expenses that entails.
  5. Dr Couto responded to my eamil today. Here is what he said: "Hi Janet: Thanks for the Greyt news! I am at Scooby with 910 additional people doing a lot of work with the Galgos (and of course, other dogs). I'll send you a reply when I get back on Tue (and will include data from the paper we just got accepted for publication). Thanks again, and please say "hi" to the gang." The Greyt news is the cheque I'm sending I will post his data once I have it.
  6. Just wanted to update you, Dr Couto is away until Tuesday, so I probably won't have his stats before then. Robin, I'm praying that Teddy just pulled something. It's so hard not to think the worst. Hang in there.
  7. As a society we are taking better care of our pets than ever before. Many dogs died of cancer years ago, but we didn't know that was what they had. With better diagnostics, studies and treatment more pets are diagnosed, the end result is still the same. I still think that with the huge number of greyhounds on the board we are going to see a rising number of cancer dx. I have send tn email to Dr Couto asking him for some current statistics. I will post them once he responds. Hope for Hounds is committed to helping Dr Couto and his team at OSU find a treatment that will lead to a cure. I'm sending a cheque tomorrow for $3,000.00 and after the 2nd Annual Miss Nellie Auction starting July 23rd we hopefully will be sending much more than that. Help us fund the fight.
  8. I'm so sorry you are having to face this. I'm glad he's home.
  9. Amanda I am so sorry Godspeed Greta. Yoiu and your pack are in my prayers.
  10. I know how hard this is. We faced something similar with Jake last fall. we still have no idea what he did but the good news is he is fine now. Link to Jake's limp story I can't say enough good things about canine massage from a trained therapist. Hang in there has to be an answer for you out there. I'm just happy you ruled out cancer.
  11. I'm one of the lucky ones, I got to share a room a year and a half ago with Leah at Sandy Paws. That meant I got to share her hounds Jilli and Deniro for 5 days and nights. They are both wonderful hounds. I walked them the first night without Leah and Jilli was ready to take on any dog that dared get too close, man that girl has guts. I was devestated when Leah emailed me the news a few days ago. Jilli you are always in my prayers pretty girl. Leah I am here for you, whenever!
  12. You and Lola have our prayers Lene.
  13. Godspeed Sport I will miss seeing your magnificent self when I visit your Momma. So many owe you a debt of gratitude. If it wasn't for you, Bob and Marilyn may not have gone in the direction they did. Sport lived the life many would envy - he was a Varnberg hound.
  14. HopeForHounds


    Godspeed sweerheart! I'm lucky to have met you Babe.
  15. Welcome! I hope to see more of Charlie, he is stunning.
  16. What a lovely boy. He does look happy. Looking forward tomore pictures of him.
  17. Peanut has a purply brown heiney. She's from Florida and spent a lot of time in the sun. But, greyhound's skin is pretty thin and somewhat see through. My vet and I discussed this the other day and she said what you can see is the muscle under the skin. It is the colour of a raw chicken thighs. She also suggested limitting the amount they spend laying in the sun or using sun screen. One of the kids at my Child Care uses coconut oil as a sun screen. It provides a limitted amount of protection without chemicals. It's available in ethnic food sections it's edible. I have no idea idf dogs can eat coconut, but if they can it would be a safe alternative to commercial products.
  18. We miss you Sophia. Have party girlfriend.
  19. Glad to hear she is returning to her old self again. It's the worst when you feel powerless to help. Stay strong Snickers, keep fighting.
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