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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. There's ALWAYS room on/in the candle!
  2. Good healing thoughts coming your way, Flashy!
  3. *chanting* good labs, quick surgery, brave Flashman good labs, quick surgery, brave Flashman *repeating as necessary*
  4. Welcome home, Penny! I think a whole lot of the country is discovering this year that Christmas can be much lower-key than in the past and still be nice.
  5. Yikes! Sending white light to surround Clark and his care givers.
  6. Holding good thoughts and chanting as needed.
  7. Patsy

    Au Revoir Boss

    Run fast and free, Boss . . . . you were loved deeply.
  8. When I first read this, my immediate thought was "just like the rubber bands!" If you've ever had a kid with braces with rubber bands, you perhaps know what I mean--I was still finding ossified little braces rubber bands here and there 10 years later!
  9. My Mutti, aka "The Barf Queen" sends her regards to your kitty. Indeed, some cats throw up a lot.
  10. . . . . but . . . . but . . . . she looks so innocent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. No words, gentle thoughts for you all.
  12. All best thoughts come to you and Boss as you celebrate each moment!
  13. Of course we won't call him Shorty! Now no chewing bandages, etc.
  14. I, too, can't believe it's been four years. Your touching memorial remains a testament to what you all shared.
  15. Patsy

    Red Tiger Power

    Surrounding you with care and good thoughts.
  16. *whispers very very quietly* good job; keep it up!
  17. Sending all good thoughts your way and please tell Mama Happy she's in on the candle.
  18. What wonderful words! I suspect she feels *she* can compost the bucket's contents more quickly than the bucket can, right?
  19. Welcome back to your home, Miss Maggie-Mae, here's a gentle hug and you're in on the nightly candle in ND.
  20. Gracie--I promise you I'll include you in on the nightly candle but could you please promise me not to jump from any more rooftops?
  21. Hugs to you in your grief, but this reminds me of a former retired co-worker of my DH's who died suddently, in his sleep, at his lake cabin. I always thought that sounded like the best of all worlds.
  22. Patsy


    I think of him often.
  23. Definitely thought of often! Was it Fudgie who was the prince of the almost-successful fly by?? I remember your description involved the term "demented giraffe".
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