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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. Sending the bestest Auntee Patsee white light I can muster.
  2. *lighting candle and chanting kidney values good good good* *repeating as necessary*
  3. Sweet Sally Teefers! Definitely never forgotten. I think we need pictures--lots and lots of pictures.
  4. Broke out a brand new candle just for Suze this morning--and I agree, yellow is a wonderful color!
  5. Crossing everything that will cross here and you're in on the candle, sweet Suze.
  6. Sometimes there are just no words . . . . .
  7. What incredible news! Happy dancing my way out the door here in ND.
  8. Nightie night, Henry . . . . have a nice sleepy day and a good tomorrow.
  9. Is Misty as SOFT as she looks to be? Baby steps are good--and baby steps forward are great!
  10. Spencer, you and your family are tucked cozily into the ND nightly candle . . . . let the nice specialist figure out what the problem(s) is/are . . . . scritches all around.
  11. Could we have some pictures of your crew? Hugs to all of you.
  12. Run free and joyous, Caesar, and send your mom a sign. Big hugs all around.
  13. Well "enough to be able to take all her meds" is a good thing. Hang in there, sweetie!
  14. Dear Queenie, If you and Cody Angelo could come up with a sign of some sort for your mom and dad soon, that'd be good--I think they need it. GT is a much duller place without the antics of *both* of you to giggle over.
  15. . . . . pacing . . . . checking time . . . . pacing . . . .
  16. Well, since *I* plan on winning the raffle, I'll adopt the plan of keeping the tiny Winslow painting and donating the (marvelous) rest for another auction. :-)
  17. Just seeing this! Sending all the white light I can muster and lighting the candle early for you all.
  18. No words, just lots of hugs for you all and awe for the fighter she was.
  19. Caesar, you and your family are tucked into the nightly candle.
  20. Heal, sweetie and realize the docs' crate helps you feel better.
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