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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. You all just made my day! What glorious news. Must . . .. have . . . pictures . . . .
  2. Nobody, but nobody, does "woe is me" better than Darcy . . . . and a Darcy with two teefs that have been stolen??? It doesn't bear thinking about! We MUST have pictures--NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please?
  3. Winslow, I'm a Notary Public and I *swear* that your mama loves you very much.
  4. Crystal clear--all else is unacceptable! *returns to chanting*
  5. Perhaps you could incarcerate Ned with His Beloved Pillow and thus distract him?
  6. Sending calming and healing thoughts via the candle . . . . hang in there.
  7. Pu.tting eat-nicely-Beau thoughts into the candle here . . . . hugs
  8. Well, at least you have the answer. Hugs to you and, when you feel you can, could we see some more pictures of Harmony?
  9. The Blue Danube Waltz added such a touch! Good work, Winslow.
  10. I'll put "non nibbling at it" thoughts into the candle!
  11. Thinking good poopy thoughts here in ND . . . . hope you come home, sweetie, and get on with business.
  12. Yikes, just seeing this! I need to replace the candle, so this will be a special "plentiful poop" candle just for Sheila. Holding good thoughts, of course.
  13. Sophie, look for Tigger and the two of you can compare notes about abdominal cancer and the delights of the Bridge . . . . an unlimited supply of nice warm afghans and sunbeams, lots of tuna fish, and good health. Send your family a sign, sweetie, that will help them.
  14. Miss Pikachu, Auntee Patsee here . . . . moping around about having had a bath won't do anyone any good, so knock it off! Think "I'm getting better thoughts" and get with the program!
  15. Oh what a beautiful sit! And Ranger, I must confess that your namesake is one of my favorite fictional (sad, that) characters.
  16. A candle burns in your honor tonight in North Dakota. Run free and strong, sweetie.
  17. A candle burns in your honor tonight in North Dakota. Run free and strong, sweetie.
  18. Both your vehicle and Miss Pearl are in on the candle!
  19. Who could ever forget that unique sit?!! My thoughts are with you.
  20. Sending calm, peaceful, and sleeping thoughts to Sadie.
  21. Surrounding you with white light and good thoughts.
  22. Surrounding Harmony and her caregivers in all the white light I can muster.
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