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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. The candle never gives up. Give Lee a gentle hug, please.
  2. Oh NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Run free sweetie . . . . you've been one of my very favorite GT doggies forever and I'm having trouble seeing the screen thru my tears right now. I'm glad you'll be coming home to North Dakota; when your family retires maybe I'll get to visit you.
  3. Just seeing this! Hobbes, your in on the candle here in ND--hang in there and hopefully all the folks working for you can find out what's going on.
  4. BlackandBrindle, thanks for finding that--I was just trying to remember why that all sounded so familiar, but for unbaked rolls!
  5. Angel Dusty is probably right now sharing the location of the very very best sunny windowsills.
  6. What wonderful news! You rock, Mama Roo!
  7. Roo, sweetie, you'll be in on the candle from tonight on . . . . just get better.
  8. I hope you are all getting settled at the Bridge, little ones. You didn't deserve your mother being a hoarder and you didn't deserve the house fire yesterday that took you all and her as well in the incredibly cluttered house of an obviously not well woman. Run free and know you are remembered.
  9. I have no experience with clicking kitties in all my years of being a kitty mom . . . . but I swear by kitty glucosamine.
  10. Patsy

    R.i.p Bailey

    Run free and healthy, sweetie--you were gorgeous!
  11. I'm lighting a hungry-and-eating-Polli-tummy candle.
  12. I bet that bath will feel sooooooooo good! Happy Freedom Day, sweetie.
  13. Just a thought: good thoughts are like candle flame--sending some one spot doesn't decrease the rest available for everyone else! Laws of physics do KNOT apply.
  14. Woke up thinking of you guys--sending white light for Miss Polli and those taking care of her.
  15. Polli, what a clever girl you were to trip on those steps and get the attention you needed riteawayquick! Heal well, little one, and give your mama some kisses! You're on the candle list here in ND.
  16. White light coming Coachie's way . . . . give her a couple days and I bet she'll be gummin' with the best of them!
  17. "Peace and comfort to you both" . . . . well said. Strong supportive thoughts are coming your way.
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