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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. I want to send a memorial . . . . what/which group would be the right one?
  2. YELLOW! What an incredibly beautiful word . . . . YELLOW! whahooooooooooooo
  3. good knitting thoughts good knitting thoughts good knitting thoughts *repeating as necessary*
  4. Miss Bug, your Auntee Patsee is up here in a real live blizzard but she's thinking of you and is sending you all good thoughts. Let your nice docs know what's wrong with you!
  5. Looking for an update this morning, please??
  6. From one fellow Whopper lover to another, . . . . way to go, girl!
  7. Well, dayum! The candle's lit. Bug, honey, your brother doesn't want to waste a good sulk, so you get better and come on home soon!
  8. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo KennelMom said it all. My supporting thoughts are coming your way. The Speckalicious One was my first "GT crush" years ago. No words . . . .
  9. "very encapsulated" is great, I have to think! Monty, honey, you are going to have to KNOT be active . . . . give your mom a break and help her out here . . . . the candle burns at night here for you and the others who need it.
  10. Hang in there, Miss Bug . . . . everybody's working very hard to make you well again.
  11. Yikes! Sending white light Miss Bug's way--tell her Auntee Patsee says to get well rightawayquik!
  12. I don't think I'm *ever* going to look at a cheese slicer again without thinking of poor Parker! Yikes! Hugs all around.
  13. *chanting* clean margins and good recovery clean margins and good recovery *repeating as necessary*
  14. I am so sorry for your loss. Perhaps the Parrot Revolution will now have the benefit of high level aerial surveillance? Hugs
  15. Patsy

    Radar Doyle

    Radar--did you have something to do with the sun dogs we had this morning? They were gorgeous and shaped just like the commas of fur around your sweet snout! I thought of you immediately.
  16. Stretch those legs and race for The Bridge, sweetie. Breathe deeply and freely and send your family a sign.
  17. She carried a pink purse like no other! Hugs all around.
  18. You made the A Honor Roll, sweetie--good job!
  19. Of course he made it to the Bridge, but how nice he sent a lovely rainbow. Hugs to you.
  20. Patsy

    Radar Doyle

    Hugs to you all. I hope they are both running free and happy at the Bridge.
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