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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. Sending many "ooh, that hamburger looks and smells yummy, I'm going to eat it" thoughts your way.
  2. How wonderful that you have a good solid answer to "why did this happen?" Hugs all around.
  3. White light coming Bailey's way! I must admit that I think *I'd* be "distressed and look angry" under those circumstances.
  4. Lots of white light is coming her way--and yours too!
  5. I know it's too early for an update . . . . *resumes pacing*
  6. Chanting: *radiation can happen, and will help, radiation can happen, and will help, radiation can happen, and will help*
  7. Who can forget those final days . . . . send your mom and dad a rainbow, maybe? I saw a white butterfly yesterday--first of the summer--and thought of you, Girlfriend.
  8. *chanting fervently, with English accent*
  9. Patsy


    Maybe the Bridge was the "far far better place" . . . . hugs to you.
  10. Sending white light to Chorney, one of my very most favorite non-greys!
  11. Sending supportive thoughts across the pond . . . . so sorry to hear the news.
  12. Oh sweetie, that looks unpleasant! You CAN lie down with an e-collar, Blitz, really you can.
  13. I'm always struck by how she's such a dainty reader . . . . determined as all get out . . . . but so dainty! Ah, sweetie . . . . so many people miss you so much!
  14. Was there *ever* such a photogenic hound??!! Patti, in honor of Girlfriend's birthday, could we have the mail-reading video again? Please? Please?
  15. It's clear here, so I'll look for your star tonight, sweetie.
  16. Whahoooo! Way to go, Ronnie.
  17. Patsy

    Genie's Gone

    How totally Imperial of Genie to choose *her* time and *her* place . . . . well done! Hugs all around.
  18. Patsy


    Rest in peace, sweet Wasabi--you are missed.
  19. I think it's *totally* obviously that the hole in the wall was absolutely necessary for good light and air circulation! Obvious, just totally obvious!!
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