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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. Hugs and white light coming your way and Isis', of course.
  2. Pawbay, could we deal here? How about a pound of your very favorite Burpdog biskies (you pick the flavor(s)) if you do KNOT nibble/claw/gnaw/bite/whatever at your stitches before the vet takes them out? When I hear from your Mommy that you've left your stitches alone and they are out, you let me know what flavor you want for being such a good girl--and we all know "being a good girl" is Pretty Lady! Do we have a deal?
  3. Sending lots of ND white light to Cora and the crew taking care of her.
  4. All white light will be coming Cora's way.
  5. And exactly HOW is that keeping-her-quiet project going? I think something spiffy in a jewel tone t-shirt would be loverly.
  6. Inquiring Minds is wondering if she was standing on the dining room table at the time?
  7. Nola, sweetie, I'm tucking you in the ND candle just to be on the safe side.
  8. What an elegant boy Bullet was--and what an impressive tail! That's a sweet thought on your daughter's part.
  9. Fly on your new wings, sweet Polli; you were incredibly loved.
  10. Wondering how Pave' is this morning--sweetie, keep those toofers off of your nice new zipper and you'll be able to get rid of it all the sooner. White light for Dee, of course. BTW, just wondering what your master plan for keeping her quiet is? *ducks and runs*
  11. What a beautiful stripey boy! Scritches to Annie and hugs to all of you.
  12. whahooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What wonderful news and such a lovely precedent for Dee!
  13. Thinking good-pain-meds thoughts for Paul and a gentle recovery. I bet he'll feel soooo much better without those 27 (yikes!) nasties.
  14. What great news! Your candle is burning brightly here.
  15. Perhaps you could post some pictures of your sweet Bubba? Hugs to you as you deal with this. Run with the angels, sweetie.
  16. Hugs and treats (as appropriate) for everybody!
  17. *mentally cranking up the candle until I can get home and light it for real*
  18. Glad to hear you finally have some answers!
  19. I've tried searching but to no avail. Several months ago the benefits of "nutritional yeast" were discussed in the context of getting picky/older/ill dogs to eat. I can't find the discussion now and am feeling, in my capacity as Auntee Patsee, that I need to find some to send to Miss Raven. I *seem* to remember this was KNOT just plain brewers yeast . . . . but I might be wrong. Help, please?????
  20. "clear lungs" -- great words! Hugs all around.
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