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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. Riley, you gorgeous boy you, you're in on a candle that burns every night in North Dakota.
  2. Not opinionated, she just has a finely honed sense of her rights as a dowager lady!
  3. Mokka, I hope you're enjoying your day at (vet) camp and will continue to get better.
  4. Mokka, sweetie, that was so nice of you to be sure you piddled equally so nobody felt left out. I'm going to tuck you into the ND candle just to be sure, ok? Enjoy your visit to camp.
  5. Thank you for loving her that much.
  6. Bandit, you are a dead ringer for one of my kitties . . . . maybe you are romping at The Bridge with your lookalike? A long life, well lived, but still it hurts.
  7. What a beautiful froggie-doggie! I'm enjoying the mental image of the burglers having to leave by the back door, not the front door! Hugs to you.
  8. Holy cow, Zoe! That's got to be a hard way to earn your "in" on the ND candle! Sending white light your way.
  9. I'll put Chester in on the candle that burns in ND nightly.
  10. I'd be willing that there's more than one poop bucket to be peed on at The Bridge! Safe journey, sweetie.
  11. Looking for a Monday morning update . . . .
  12. Way to go, Billy! Continuing sending white light your way.
  13. We DEFINITELY need some pix of him to savor once again!
  14. OK, here we go! Redoubling the white light.
  15. Patsy

    Fg's Goodbye

    I'm loving the picture of the both of you on the tractor! What a special relationship you two had.
  16. My goodness--that certainly was *formerly* a fox tail! What a wonderful eulogy for a wonderful girl . . . . and I feel "Angel" is far more "her" than "April Louise". April Louise sounds to me farrrrrrrrrr too sedate--and obviously sedate she wasn't. Hugs to you and Sunscreen Man.
  17. Raibow mealworms sound like just the thing for a very special hedgie angel. My condolences.
  18. Wow . . . . just . . . . wow! Cora, you're doing wonderfully--keep on keeping on. *back to lighting the candle*
  19. Isis, sweetie, I have a confession to make to you . . . . I have always loved your pretty earsies. You chose well when you chose your daddy and look what you began--The Magic Foster House! Enjoy your wings, sweetie, and send your daddy a sign.
  20. Patsy

    My Beloved Willow

    Willow, you watch out for that Boss; I'm told he's quite the ladies man! Condolences to you on your loss. Could you post some pictures of your sweet Willow for us?
  21. Bless you for doing the right-but-hard thing for sweet Isis. Fly free, baby girl, and send your daddy a sign.
  22. That all depends . . . . are *you* normal?
  23. Sending your brave boy lots and lots of white light.
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