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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. I'm putting Goldie and you on the nightly North Dakota candle. Hang in there!
  2. Shocked Horrified In tears Like everyone has said, unbelievable. Surrounding you with hugs. When you feel you can, could we have the Pimpmaster G in his pimp outfit, please.
  3. Sending all white light for "mere lumpy-bumpies"
  4. Patsy


    I think he was special to a lot of us. Hugs to you.
  5. Have a restful day at the nice spa place where they take care of you, Beth!
  6. Just seeing this, but sending all white light from ND
  7. WHAHOOOOOOOOOO Tho' I'll admit I panic whenever I see the topic come up and have to get up my courage to open it.
  8. Sending white light from North Dakota to Bruce!
  9. Revving up the good thoughts coming your way.
  10. Sending my most powerful North Dakota mojo to you and Dottie!
  11. Mutti and Squeeker want to know how Oreo is doing this morning??
  12. Back in town and seeing this--sending Oreo all the white light I can muster.
  13. Larry, sweetie, you're in on the North Dakota candle, so you just concentrate on feeling better.
  14. Run and jump free, Diana. I've told Dusty to look for you--in her younger years she was always an "up there" kitty . . . . never knew a cat could balance on the top of a door!
  15. Still remembering Flossie of the Wonderful Ears!
  16. Still hoping for some pictures and hoping your heart is healing somewhat.
  17. *chants "calcium deposit" repeating as necessary*
  18. Darcy Power does it again! Thanks for the update.
  19. Dazie, I'm in love with your ears--now you get better and put on that weight so your lovely ears look even better than they do now!
  20. Please tell Gracie stubs are cute. Hugs to you.
  21. Holding her in my thoughts for an entirely boring x-ray.
  22. He sounds truly memorable! Any chance of a picture or two?
  23. The broodies will find you, sweetie, and take care of you.
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