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Everything posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. Oh Jen, that was just beautiful. I am so sorry for your loss of such a special beautiful boy.
  2. I would not put extra weight on a greyhound. But I would ensure that she is getting a lot more exercise, via frequent longer brisk walks.
  3. Oh Kar, I didn't know his time was coming so soon. I am so sorry.
  4. Oh Jey, I had no idea. I am so so sorry for the loss of your most beautiful girlie.
  5. You're not biased. Riley is one of the most beautiful hounds there ever was. I always look forward to seeing your photos, especially the tooth-achingly sweet Riley/Jabari pics. I am so very sorry for your loss.
  6. Kristin, I am so sorry to hear the likely diagnosis for your sweet ol' man.
  7. He is a beautiful, beautiful boy. I am so very sorry for your loss, Pat.
  8. I have no experience with that particular product, though the regular Thera-Paws have been very useful for my corn-foot dogs. This new thing could be a great benefit for certain walking issues. I'll also look forward to seeing if anyone here has used it. Thanks for posting it.
  9. My Dazzle is my little digging machine. Hubby built a sand pit in the far corner of our yard basically just for her. It's pretty adorable to watch her go to town in her sandbox. Alimony will occasionally join in, but Tipper never digs. He will occasionally plop his belly on Dazzle's freshly dug hill to enjoy the cool sand. If you are concerned about digging, just don't leave the pup alone outside (I never do anyway), so you can keep an eye on him/her. Make sure he/she has plenty of exercise (walks, playtime, etc) so they are less likely to get bored and decide to start digging. Or you can just give in like we did (because we thought it was cute) and make a digging pit. Fwiw, they never dig outside of the pit. They seem to understand that this is the acceptable location for such shenanigans. I think the fact that our soil is mostly clay and the play-sand is more enjoyable digging material helps. Dazzle, proudly surveying the land from her sand pit: Dazzle, hiding in her hole. Alimony, "helping"
  10. I'm very sorry for your loss, Christie.
  11. Oh Jen, I am so sorry to hear this. I know how hard you have worked to give him every chance at a long healthy life. Here's hoping you have a good bunch of Arby's trips still to come...
  12. Histiocytomas are often benign. that Hero's is as well. I'm sorry to hear of the seizure, Tom. Your sweet boy is in my thoughts...
  13. It does look very good. No redness or swelling, nice tight stitches. I'm sure it will heal nicely.
  14. I absolutely agree with this, esp the bit about the other owner changing their mind. What a terrifying event. I hope you both heal quickly.
  15. My cats clearly get it, but often choose to ignore it. I can tell, because they stiffen when they hear the warning growl, and then they slowly proceed with whatever transgression they were committing anyway. Similar to the above story, the cats definitely take Tipper's growls far more seriously than either of my girls' objections. They know grumpy ol' man Tipper doesn't kid around.
  16. I loathe E-collars, and would only use them as a last-resort. I would definitely try the muzzle with tape on the end to prevent him licking through the muzzle. That has worked well for me with all my dogs and their various boo-boos. Remove the muzzle for mealtimes, and/or if you are directly supervising him. Otherwise he should still be able to breathe and even drink through it just fine, even with tape over the end few holes.
  17. Tipper has been on thyroid meds just since last fall, and has grown fur in places that never knew fur before in all his eleven and a half years. He's downright woolly now. Michele said the same thing happened to Gobi when he started the meds.
  18. I wonder if she pinched a nerve during that first tumble in the yard before the anesthesia. Can't hurt to at least talk to the vet. Maybe consider acupuncture as well...? This helped way more than chiro for my Chancy's back problems.
  19. I missed this last night. I hope Scout is feeling better today.
  20. ZoomDoggy


    Oh DeVon, I am so sorry for your loss.
  21. Beautiful beautiful sweetheart. I am so very sorry for your loss, Mo.
  22. You say she goes in the morning, but is that just a trip out to the yard, or do you walk her? I find that when I walk my pups, it tends to get their bowels moving. Sometimes Tipper will poop four times in one walk! (of course there's not much left by then, not for lack of trying) Maybe a walk (or a longer walk if you're already walking) before leaving for work would help make sure she's good and empty.
  23. ZoomDoggy

    Goodbye Petey

    Beautiful beautiful boy. I am so very sorry for your sudden loss.
  24. Aw I didn't see this until now. Glad it all went well.
  25. I had a corn surgically removed from my Sissy's toe once. Blasted thing grew right back when the toe healed from the surgery. From my experience, I would NOT recommend surgical excision.
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