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Sr Grey Lover

Sr Grey Lover (6/9)

  1. Hi all, Emme came to us a couple of years ago with a limp that flares up every now and then. We've had her imaged several times and thankfully see no evidence of a lesion or fracture. She may have an old sprain that acts up from time to time. In any case, our vet wants her on Glucosamine and recommended Dasuquin. I have her on Dasuquin + MSM, but am looking for less pricey options. I know the Greyhound Gang and Springtime offer alternatives. Has anyone gone through this search and found one option to be preferable over the others? Thank you, Vanitha
  2. Emme's recheck showed possible bone spur in left shoulder and arthritis in neck. But she didn't respond to Galliprant and is weakly responding to Rimadyl. Keeping her on Rimdayl and no exercise for two weeks and will then reassess. I'm beyond thrilled the xays show nothing but am still worried. Because my kiddo.
  3. We haven't actually been taking her on walks, per vet's advice, but have been walking alongside her in the backyard while she has some outdoor time. It breaks my heart to see her limp, and she's SO SO bored. Wondering if I should witch to Rimadyl since Galliprant is having no effect. I know nothing about Galliprant, have never used it before.
  4. Thanks all. I decided against CT because if it is osteo, it wouldn't affect treatment plan. I palpated her other shoulder, as suggested here, and Emme yelped. She's not one of the stoic ones. She just had a blood panel and was negative for most TBDs. Just going to wait and hope she gets better. Recheck in 2 weeks.
  5. Why would TBD cause a limp? Despite being on Galliprant for 5 days, her limp seems worse.
  6. Thank you, Kathy. This is very helpful. We're on restricted activity but I have nosework planned, and will do other safe things.
  7. Six-year-old broodie Emme came to our home this January. From the start she had a slightly odd gait, a sort of pulling and head bobbing on the right side. We didn't give it much thought until a couple of weeks ago she started having a pronounced limp. I investigated and found that her corns on her front right paw had ballooned. When I push on them, she yelped. So we dremeled them away. She no longer yelps. But she still has the limp. Took her to the vet today who determined the limp has nothing to do with her corns. She pushed and pulled and poked muscles and found Emme yelping when her left shoulder was palpated. Thankfully the x-rays show nothing. However, the vet wants a recheck in 3 weeks because the affected area is where osteo typically starts in greys. Not freaking out but want to know what to look for in early stages of osteo. Any advice appreciated. Thanks, Vanitha
  8. We brought Emme home yesterday and in 24 hours, she has brought huge smiles to our faces. While we still grieve for our hound-taken-too-soon, Brin, and our beautiful brave beast, Zola, Emme manage to remind us of the best of them with a style all her own. She is a 6-yr-old broodie with a long racing history of her own, but looking at her, you would swear she is a puppy. She's curious and clever and easily tells us what she likes and doesn't. Can't wait to see her personality unfold and whatever joys yet await, she is a treasure already.
  9. The local magazine I wrote for graciously allowed me to pen my tribute to her (page 38): https://issuu.com/wickcommunications/docs/pacifica_aug17_web/1?e=1225821/51333205
  10. I am so sorry it was time for Celeste to leave. She was well loved.
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